he Dot Net Factory Announces The Expansion Of Active Directory Management And Reporting Capabilities For EmpowerID 2009

DUBLIN, OH (MMD Newswire) October 6, 2009 — The Dot Net
Factory today announced a major expansion to the EmpowerID
2009 Identity Management platform with the release of 30 new
workflows and 72 new reports that expand its role-based
delegation, secure automation, and tracking of Active Directory
management tasks. EmpowerID’s new functionality includes
web-based workflows that perform the functions of Microsoft’s Active
Directory Users and Computers tool (ADUC) while adding granular
delegation, workflow approvals, built-in activity reporting, naming
convention enforcement, and task automation.

With a unique architecture that is built on Microsoft’s Windows
Workflow Foundation, EmpowerID ships with more than 150
predefined workflows that rapidly deploy and provides the
capabilities to securely delegate the management of users, groups,
mailboxes, and other protected resources in connected platforms
and directories. Additional new features include: forced registration
for password self-service reset, password expiration notification,
and deleted user and mailbox object restoration. There is no price
increase for this expansion to the EmpowerID 2009 platform.

EmpowerID 2009 overcomes the most significant obstacle in
effectively managing Active Directory and enabling self-service by
allowing organizations to securely delegate a wide range of tasks
to technical and business users through customizable and granular
roles, without allowing them to directly manage permissions. This
results in enhanced security with visibility. With reporting and
logging capabilities that provide a complete auditing
framework-who has what privileges, who granted them and when,
and why they were granted-EmpowerID meets key requirements of
corporate compliance and governance initiatives.

EmpowerID 2009 uses a powerful role-based delegation and
administrative model that is similar to the one found in the
forthcoming release of Microsoft’s Exchange 2010, but is more
expansive with its ability to manage all aspects of Active Directory
and other connected systems-user and group provisioning and
management, SharePoint, earlier versions of Exchange, custom
applications, and other directories including LDAP, ERP, and HR
systems. The EmpowerID role model extends beyond the technical
roles envisioned by Microsoft by creating enterprise roles that
reflect both job functions and organizational structure.

With the BPM Studio add-on module, users can customize and
modify any of the included workflows, as well as create new secure
workflows. With a library of hundreds of activity shapes, and wizards
that can generate new shapes that use custom code and
PowerShell commands, BPM Studio makes it possible to automate
a limitless number of tasks.

“The benefit of EmpowerID’s workflow-based platform is that it
enables us, our partners, and our customers to continually extend
the platform with new workflows for automating an organization’s
most time-consuming and security-sensitive processes. BPM
Studio and the EmpowerID platform provide an agile environment
that allows us to quickly expand functionality in response to
customer input,” said Patrick Parker, Chief Executive Officer, The
Dot Net Factory.

Built on a single and unified code base, EmpowerID is a highly
scalable platform that supports failover and high availability.

EmpowerID 2009 features customizable ribbon menus and stunning
web, SharePoint, Silverlight, and Windows Presentation Foundation
interfaces that give it a unique look and ease of operation that
encourage rapid user adoption and set it apart from the competition.

Pricing and Availability
The new workflow package is available immediately and is free for
customers currently covered under software maintenance for

About The Dot Net Factory
Based in Dublin, Ohio, The Dot Net Factory is a Microsoft Partner
and leading provider of Identity Management and Secure Business
Process Automation solutions. The Dot Net Factory’s EmpowerID
Windows Workflow Foundation-based platform is deployed and
proven in organizations worldwide, ranging in size from hundreds of
users to hundreds of thousands of users.

For more information, or to request pricing or a demonstration,
please visit http://www.thedotnetfactory.com