Cable Caps, Protection and Flair for USB Cables, Hits quirky’s Online Store

New York, NY, January 12, 2010 — Today marks the official release of Cable Caps – community developed covers to help protect, organize and add flair to your USB cables. Cable Caps are designed to help you protect the male end of any USB cable when not in use. It also keeps them organized and distinguished from one another. No more loose and messy wires strewn all over your desk. Cable Caps allows you to neatly manage and identify your multimedia wires in a cinch.

The top portion of each Cable Cap is a funky, unique character with a built in slot to receive a standard size USB cable. Below the head, is a body section that acts as a stretchable band to tie up the remaining USB cable slack. When wrapped, the cable is tightly secured in place. When you need the cable, simply unwrap, pop off the appropriate cap and plug the USB into your computer.

With Cable Caps covering and wrapping your USB cables, you will no longer be fumbling around with excess, unidentified, knotted USB cables. There are six different Cable Cap characters for you to collect: Printer Man, Phone Dude, Camera Gal. Eye Baller, Egg Man and ‘Da Bulb. They are sold in sets of three for for $7.99/set.

Cable Caps are the twenty second product designed and developed by the quirky community since quirky’s launch on June 2nd. quirky gives everyone the chance to get product ideas out of their heads and onto shelves. Each week quirky’s community collaborates to select and produce one new product idea. This week ends the development of Cable Caps and it is now available for sale in sets of three at quirky’s online store for $7.99.

You might remember other successful quirky products including the Split Stick, a double-sided USB drive, the DigiDude, a portable camera tripod and keychain, the Scratch-n-Scroll, a mousepad with a writing surface and the PowerCurl , a cord wrap for Apple’s MagSafe power adapter.

quirky engages participants to collaborate in every aspect of product creation – from ideation, design, naming, manufacturing, marketing, right on through to sales. Anyone can participate on either by submitting their own product idea for $99, or by voting, rating, and influencing other people’s product ideas. Cooler still, 30¢ of every dollar generated from the sale of a quirky product goes back to these influencers.

Every week users post ideas on quirky to be rated by the quirky community. The community surveys the submissions during the 7-day evaluation period and selects one product to move forward to product development. quirky’s community then begins weighing in on everything from naming to logo selection to packaging through to prototype.

The final product becomes available for pre-sale at the quirky online store ( Once the product hits its pre-sale threshold, credit cards are charged, and the product goes into production and delivery. At this point, 30¢ of every dollar made from the sale of these products goes back to the community. “Community” in this case covers both the ideator as well as all people who voted, commented, and rated the project idea along the way.