
【2017年1月21日,美國聖地牙哥訊】美國高通公司(NASDAQ: QCOM)執行副總裁暨法務長Don Rosenberg表示:「在我們檢視蘋果指控之內容細節過程中,相當清楚發現蘋果之指控毫無根據。蘋果有意圖曲解彼此之間的相關協議與談判結果,同時也扭曲我們透過專利授權計畫與行動裝置製造商分享研發與科技發展創造的巨大價值與貢獻。蘋果刻意主動鼓勵主管機關在全世界許多司法判決中,藉由提供錯誤事實證據以及刻意藏匿資訊攻擊高通的商業經營模式,包括了近期於韓國公平會決議以及美國公平會的指控。我們歡迎有機會於法院中公開辯證這些毫無價值的指控並有權利討究蘋果的運作以及檢視相關價值。」

“While we are still in the process of reviewing the complaint in detail, it is quite clear that Apple’s claims are baseless. Apple has intentionally mischaracterized our agreements and negotiations, as well as the enormity and value of the technology we have invented, contributed and shared with all mobile device makers through our licensing program. Apple has been actively encouraging regulatory attacks on Qualcomm’s business in various jurisdictions around the world, as reflected in the recent KFTC decision and FTC complaint, by misrepresenting facts and withholding information. We welcome the opportunity to have these meritless claims heard in court where we will be entitled to full discovery of Apple’s practices and a robust examination of the merits,” said Don Rosenberg, executive vice president and general counsel, Qualcomm Incorporated.