Web Manuals partner with AddPro to provide EFB solutions

Web Manuals Sweden AB (www.webmanuals.aero), the leader in digitizing manuals for the aviation industry, is delighted to announce the strategic partnership with AddPro, leading IT integration specialists in Scandinavia, to provide a seamless solution for managing the full lifecycle of Electronic Flight Bags for airline operators.

The two partners are bringing together technology and know-how for offering airline operators a fully managed solution for iPads, including leasing and tailoring of devices according to requirements by authorities as well as providing software updates and replacement iPads in the case of loss or breakdown.

At the heart of the EFB solution is the Web Manuals Reader app, available on App Store for iPads. Fully IOSA and EASA-compliant, the Web Manuals Reader provides instant cockpit access to flight manuals, crew bulletins and forms. Apps for charts, performance calculations and flight planning can be automatically updated from AddPro’s Data Centre.

According to Nicklas Persson, CEO of AddPro AB: “For the weight of an iPad, the Web Manuals Reader means that pilots need no longer carry some 20 kg of printed material with them on each flight. So, not only do they have the most up-to-date information to hand, the airline is also saving weight, fuel and money. Our comprehensive offering managing EFB devices makes this technology accessible to operators of all sizes.”

Martin Lidgard, CEO of Web Manuals Sweden AB, adds: “The Web Manuals Reader can bring significant operational and economic benefits to the whole aviation industry – in terms of ease of use, keeping up-to-date and regulatory compliance. We see a global market for the Web Manuals Reader and we are already in negotiations with a number of operators in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Our partnership with AddPro enables us to reach new clients that want to realize the benefits of going digital.”