ATC-NY Announces Mobile Marshal Digital Forensic Software

Ithaca, NY — Jan 29, 2013 / ( — ATC-NY has a new forensics tool for the mobile market-  Mobile Marshal(TM). The increasing popularity of smartphones provides unique challenges for forensic investigators. Mobile Marshal helps forensic investigators address these new challenges by extracting more and better information from smartphone backups. By adding automation to the process, Mobile Marshal helps the investigation move faster and more thoroughly.

Mobile Marshal automates the analysis of iPhone and Blackberry backups. It scans the backup files and extracts phone-specific forensic evidence, including text messages, emails, photos and many more. When multiple backups are found, Mobile Marshal displays an event timeline to describe phone usage corresponding to specific dates.

Supported Devices and Features

Mobile Marshal can analyze Blackberry backups (IPD and BBB files) and extract Calendar Items, Contacts, Emails, MMS Messages and SMS Messages. It will also handle iPhone and iPad backups (from iTunes) for iOS4 and iOS5. It will look at Browser History, Calendar Items, Contacts, Geographical Location History and Photos. Mobile Marshal analyzes encrypted BlackBerry and iTunes backups when the passphrase is known.

 Audit Trail and Detailed Reports

Mobile Marshal maintains an audit trail and generates detailed reports in RTF, PDF, and HTML formats (and many other formats as well). It runs on Windows XP or newer versions of the OS. For more information about Mobile Marshal(TM) visit the site at:

ATC-NY’s Growing Family of Forensics Tools

Mobile Marshal  is one of ATC-NY’s Cyber Marshal forensics products, (P2P Marshal, Live Marshal, Mac Marshal Mem Marshal and Router Marshal) that are currently in use by U.S. law enforcement to investigate cyber crimes. Without automated tools, a forensic investigator’s job to find evidence of illegal distribution of contraband and other crimes is manually-intensive and time-consuming. ATC-NY’s forensic tools greatly help investigators reduce the time required for the analysis process.

Mac Marshal and P2P Marshal are also useful to private corporations for compliance checking. For example, a company that prohibits peer-to-peer software on its corporate systems could use P2P Marshal to confirm such compliance. Mac Marshal and P2P Marshal are distributed to the commercial market by Cyber Security Technologies,

For more information on Mobile Marshal, P2P Marshal, Mac Marshal, Router Marshal, Mem Marshal, and ATC-NY’s  other forensics tools, visit the Cyber Marshal site at:

ABOUT ATC-NY.  Located in Ithaca, NY, ATC-NY conducts advanced research and development in computer security and information assurance. ATC-NY is a subsidiary of Architecture Technology Corporation (ATC), headquartered in Eden Prairie, MN. Founded in 1981, ATC specializes in software-intensive solutions for complex problems in  information security, cyber security, enterprise-scale network computing architectures, and network management. ATC’s customers include firms in the private sector and government agencies such as the U.S. Departments of Defense, Homeland Security and Transportation.