TOSCA Testsuite Version 7.4.0 Now Available

Vienna, Austria – 1/30/2012 – TRICENTIS, worldwide leader in software automation and quality assurance, today announces the release of TOSCA Testsuite 7.4.0. This new version was developed in concert with client requirements for improved software quality and optimized operability. Further innovations are based on the comprehensive best practice methodology Linear Q, developed by TRICENTIS, which minimizes the cost of testing while maximizing test quality. TOSCA 7.4.0 continues the TOSCA tradition of innovative quality assurance already trusted by more than 300 customers worldwide.

The TOSCA model-based approach marks a paradigm shift in automated testing, empowering non-technical users to quickly create automated business test cases in plain English and configure them for multiple operating systems, browsers, and smart devices. TOSCA’s OneView Technology provides leap frog advances in software testing, software management and test automation technology and delivers a robust, cost effective, and scalable solution that sets TOSCA apart from its competitors.  TOSCA offers certified integration with SAP and with popular Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) Solutions, popular Defect Tracking and other testing solutions for medium, large and global enterprises. TOSCA Testsuite was designed with best practices in mind.

Gartner Research Director Tom Murphy stresses the importance of a testing protocol that is precisely tailored to each respective company’s test solution: “The majority of the Gartner customer inquiries regarding software testing solutions refer to the testing methodology rather than the testing tools themselves. Powerful tools provide the basis for effective and efficient testing solutions. These software testing tools guide the customers throughout the development of their tests and are highly flexible to meet ever changing customer needs. The most frequently asked software quality questions include: How can we improve the quality of each and every test case and how can we automate the test so as to derive the most value? The use of a carefully selected test suite to ensure optimal software quality has a positive effect on the entire company.”

TOSCA 7.4.0 offers next generation advancements that contribute significantly to enhanced test quality:

•    Business-Testcases
Within complex system environments, not all business process actions will run with one pass. Whenever there is a business necessity to allow the interuption of test case execution in pre-determined positions, you would choose to create a business testcase consisting of elementary testcases. Unlike other systems TOSCA provides execution results (green lights for complete and red lights for incomplete) both on the layers of the atomic and the business testcase. The result is a significant reduction of the maintenance effort and potential failures in defining and executing business process chains.

•    The Inner Value of Test Cases
With the unique concept of Inner Values we are now able to provide test coverage information for each and every test case. This makes an exact measurement of test coverage possible – the basis for test coverage improvement.
Wolfgang Platz, CEO of TRICENTIS sees the Inner Value of Test Cases as a groundbreaking development within the TOSCA Testsuite: “The unique concept of Inner Values provides test coverage information for each and every test case. This is key for customers to demonstrate the strength of their tests in terms of what the tests can actually deliver. Inner Values is the basis for a significant improvement of testing quality. The innovative approach emphasizes TOSCA’s role of being first to market in the software testing industry. We are clearly setting the pace for best practices.”

•    Test Configuration
Our unique test configuration functionality allows testers to use dynamic data within a single test case. The dynamic data can be file paths, version numbers, or any type of custom data. The ability to separate specific configuration information from the test case definition yields significant reduction in the maintenance effort, since it allows customers to use a single test case for different purposes.
Some other advantages of the new TOSCA Version:

  • Embedded Excel Files
  • New Workspace Wizard
  • Embedded Execution Descriptions
  • Redesigned Options Dialog
  • Web Access

Stefan Ruff, area manager for test management and testing services at Infometis AG: “We use TOSCA Testsuite, together with the solution extension Infometis TACC (TOSCA custom controls), which we developed for automated testing of the Avaloq banking system with banks in Switzerland and abroad. As an implementation partner, it is very important that TOSCA Testsuite remains stable with every new release. We are very pleased that TRICENTIS always ensures high quality software releases, so that TACC can be maintained without additional development effort in spite of new features and innovation. Of course we will use the enhancements of the new version 7.4.0 for testing the Avaloq Banking System in order to continue increasing test quality and efficiency.”

For more information, see our product bulletin.