WE MEDIA OFFERS $50,000 to media and tech startups

RESTON, VA – The We Media Miami conference is offering up to $50,0000 in seed capital to help launch two media startup ventures in 2009.

The We Media Pitch It Challenge is open to anyone, anywhere, with bold ideas for commercial and non-profit ventures that enable a better world through media and communications technology. Finalists will present their ideas before conference attendees and a panel of judges at the We Media Miami conference, Feb. 24-26, 2009, at the University of Miami. Judges will include venture capitalists, serial and social entrepreneurs.

Entries must be submitted online by Jan. 21, 2009.

For more details and to enter the challenge, go to: www.wemedia.com/miami/pitch-it

Regardless of whether nominees become finalists in the challenge, media startups and entrepreneurs can display their bold ideas for media in the connected society in the Pitch It Gallery, a demo space at the We Media Miami conference.

To reserve a space in the gallery and register for the conference, go to: www.wemedia.com/miami/register/

The challenge is sponsored by the Ethics & Excellence in Journalism Foundation. For inquiries about additional We Media sponsorship opportunities, contact Beth Laing: blaing AT iFOCOS dot org or call 404-895-7406.

About We Media

The We Media conferences, community and awards are organized by iFOCOS (www.ifocos.org), a media think tank and futures lab founded in 2006 by media visionairies Andrew Nachison and Dale Peskin. They help anyone create, operate and sustain ventures in a media-centric culture powered by everyone. We Media programs function as a marketplace of ideas and actions for business and social innovators. They connect individuals and organizations from across industries who believe the power of media, communication and human ingenuity should be applied to innovate in business and to make the world better through media. More about We Media at: www.wemedia.com.