
柏林2009年9月3日電 /美通社亞洲/ — 高清晰視頻通訊市場革新者faceVsion Technology Ltd. 今日宣佈可為個人電腦用戶提供升級工具包,使他們的電腦透過網絡進行雙向高清晰視頻通訊(720p/1080p)。 faceVsion 公司將在德國柏林國際電子消費品展覽會(IFA)上展示其全系列產品。這些產品可以通過XMPP, SIP, 和直接的 IP-對-IP 連接進行高清晰視頻電話。

視頻會議理應是人們日常工作和溝通一種自然的延伸,應能提供人們高清晰視頻體驗而不需要一筆可觀的前置費用,也不應受限於網絡終端和硬體的功能強弱。faceVsion 公司提供的升級套件 —FVexpress(TM) 系列產品— 具有高度互動性和靈活性,更有別於傳統會議和桌面會議需要繁雜的連線基礎設備,使中小企業和消費者可以輕鬆地使用他們現有的桌上型電腦、筆記型電腦和網絡機進行高清晰的視頻會議。

升級套件有兩種選擇:FVexpress(TM) combo,為適用於逼真的高清晰的視頻電話; 以及適用於全功能的高清晰視頻會議的FVexpress(TM) pro。這兩種升級包都配有多種720P網絡攝像頭可供選擇,並且都有H.264 編碼/解碼Express34卡和QuLives(TM) Manager視頻通訊軟件。這兩種升級包都能在800kbps 的頻寬上進行720p 30fps 的視頻電話。FVexpress(TM) pro升級包具有高度靈活性允許用戶插入高清晰攝影機,在運行速度為2Mbps的網絡上進行全功能高清晰視頻會議(1080i/p)時,進行旋轉、拉近拉遠、與對焦等動作。 除此之外,透過與Google等全球雲端運算技術領先者的合作,QuLives(TM)用戶可以與Google video chat用戶體現互動,使他們可以在任何時間用他們的個人電腦進行公司外部和內部間的視頻通訊。

Alex Huang,faceVsion的執行長表示:「faceVsion致力於和我們的合作夥伴一起打破所有的障礙,提供使中小企業和消費者能從中獲益的高清晰視頻通訊的解決方案。且透過像與Google 這樣頂尖公司的合作,我們將持續提供最頂級、可互動的高清晰視頻通訊解決方案。」

Justin Uberti, Google video chat技術主管表示:「我們很高興看到faceVsion給每一位個人電腦用戶帶來了高清晰的視頻聊天體驗。 我們開放標準,使類似faceVsion公司這樣的合作夥伴可以輕鬆地與Google video chat進行互動,提供逼真的視頻通訊體驗。」

除了提供FVexpress(TM) 升級包之外,faceVsion公司還提供FVfone(TM)(一種使用方便的電話機上盒,用於大螢幕高清晰視頻通訊)、TwinCam(TM)(UVC 網絡攝像機,鑲有H.264 AVC解碼設備)和QuLives(TM)軟件開發套件,能夠使ASP供應商快速地將他們的高清晰視頻通訊體驗延伸到個人電腦的相關產品)。如欲索取更多訊息,請聯絡info@facevsion.com。

faceVsion to Accelerate High Definition Video Communications over Open Networks with x86-based Product Lineup for SME and Consumer
BERLIN, Sept. 3 /PRNewswire-Asia/ — faceVsion Technology Inc., a market innovator in enabling HD video communications for consumers and SMEs, announced today the availability of upgrade kits for PC users to power up their computers for two-way HD (720p/1080p) video communications over open broadband networks. The company will be showcasing in IFA a comprehensive range of products allowing HD video calls conducted through XMPP, SIP, and direct IP-to-IP connections.

Video conferencing ought to be a natural extension of the way people normally work and communicate. It should deliver true-to-life HD experience with no big upfront investment, and not be limited by the endpoints/hardware performance, ease-of-use, networking and infrastructure issues associated with traditional conferencing solutions and desktop conferencing solutions. faceVsion has thus made available a highly interoperable and flexible upgrade kit, the FVexpress(TM) family, for consumer and SMEs to utilize their existing desktops/notebooks/netbooks for HD video conferencing.

The upgrade kit has two options: FVexpress(TM) combo for true HD video call, and FVexpress(TM) pro for full HD video conferencing and ripping. While both options come with a wide variety of 720p webcam choice, a H.264 encoding/decoding Express34 card, and QuLives(TM) Manager (the reference software client) and able to deliver 720p 30fps video call over 800kbps bandwidth requirement, FVexpress(TM) pro has a highly flexible architecture allowing users to plug-in any mainstream HD camcorders and use them as professional pan-tilt-zoom camera for full HD (1080i/p) video conferencing under 2Mbps network. Furthermore, QuLives(TM) users can now interoperate with Google video chat users through public internet, allowing them to conduct intra- and inter- company video communications anytime they want with their PCs.

“Breaking down all barriers together with our partners to empower consumers and SMEs to benefit from HD video communication is where faceVsion stands for,” said Alex Huang, CEO of faceVsion. “We will continue to work with companies like Google to deliver best-in-class interoperable video communications solutions.”

“We’re excited to see faceVsion bringing HD video chat to everyday PCs,” said Justin Uberti, technical lead for Google video chat. “We’ve used open standards that make it easy for partners like faceVsion to interoperate with Google video chat and deliver a true HD video experience.”

Other than the FVexpress(TM) upgrade kits, faceVsion offers FVfone(TM) (an easy-to-use set-top-phone for HD video communications over big TV screens) as well as TwinCam(TM) (UVC webcams embedded with H.264 AVC encoding capability) and QuLives(TM) SDK for ASP/solution providers to quickly extend HD video communications experience to their PC-based offerings. For more information, please contact info@facevsion.com.