MEYER WERFT launches IT innovation with assyst

Munich, Germany, 3rd July 2014

MEYER WERFT GmbH (Papenburg) and Axios Systems (Munich) announce the launch of a successful partnership in the field of IT Service Management (ITSM). The aim of the collaboration is to streamline MEYER WERFT’s ITSM processes and operations with Axios‘ leading ITSM solution, assyst.

In recent decades, MEYER WERFT has earned an excellent reputation worldwide. The company is known mainly for the construction of large, modern and sophisticated cruise ships.

MEYER WERFT has answered the challenges of global ship building through innovation and quality. More than 270,000 people visit MEYER WERFT to witness ships being built, such as Quantum of the Seas which will carry more than 4,000 passengers in the height of luxury, offering world firsts such as a 90m high observation capsule and parachute simulators.

MEYER WERFT was the first compact shipyard in Europe and is one of the most modern shipyards in the world. Innovations and latest technologies are shaping the yard everyday – one reason why MEYER WERFT has chosen the innovative solution assyst by Axios Systems.

assyst will initially be rolled out for the fulfillment of Incident Management and Request Management. After rollout, further expansion is planned into various ITIL areas to help structure configuration and change management plans.

Ralf Knobbe, Coordinator of IT Governance at MEYER WERFT, said, “With the help of assyst, work runs are to be optimized in the long term within the IT department. Through efficient handling of faults and requests, assyst enables IT to better support the departments. ”

In the future, company-wide rollout of assyst is planned. The aim is to optimize other processes using assyst and to increase the efficiency of the IT department.