Big Data Solutions Gain Momentum in 2013; Choosing The Best First Project Will Be Critical, Says IDC

Singapore and Hong Kong,2012年12月4日–  International Data Corporation (IDC) announces that executive requirements to drive competitive differentiation in 2013 are the basis of its annual Asia/Pacific excluding Japan (APeJ) Top 10 Big Data Predictions for 2013.

Organizations across the region have identified competitive advantage as their top driver for this coming year. The rise of Big Data solutions provides significant opportunities for those organizations which are able to build a business case and integrate the results into their business processes.
Choosing an appropriate platform will be a significant decision, as it will guide much of their Big Data journey. More insights will be revealed in a forthcoming report, “IDC Asia/Pacific (excluding Japan) Big Data 2013 Top 10 Predictions”.
“Big Data solutions are going to be a significant differentiator for the businesses that are able to use them to change their competitive positions,” says Craig Stires, Research Director for Big Data and Analytics, IDC Asia/Pacific.

He notes that organizations looking to build and leverage a Big Data solution will need to carefully plan and execute the following facets:

  • establishing the right business case
  • choosing the best platform
  • knowing how to break deployment barriers

“These projects will challenge the current organization and potentially impact numerous business processes. Choosing the right first Big Data project, and having a sponsor with foresight will be a major factor in the success of the organizations Big Data journey,” says Stires.

Against the backdrop of an improving economic outlook for 2013, IDC expects that companies in the region will begin budgeting for Big Data solutions, if they are able to establish a sufficiently robust business case.

IDC expects Big Data spending in the APEJ region to reach US$603 million in 2013, which is a 42.6% growth over 2012. Growth will be higher than in 2012 and IDC does expect growth rates to increase strongly over the next 4-5 years, with a compound growth rate of 44.4% through 2015.

Drawing from the latest IDC research and internal brainstorming sessions amongst IDC’s regional and country analysts, the top 10 key Big Data predictions in 2013 have been defined. These trends are what IDC believes will have the biggest commercial impact on the APEJ ICT market for Big Data.

Highlighted below are three of these predictions that will impact organizations implementing their first Big Data projects in 2013:

Prediction 2 – Crime watch goes real-time: Crime detection and prevention will be the leading initiatives for real-time event processing

The two main areas that will see expanded investment in 2013 will be addressing financial crimes and network intrusion. Financial institutions are continually looking for ways to control the amount of financial crime being applied against them. The losses from card fraud and trading desk fraud are repacked into increased customer fees, creating competitive disadvantages against institutions with better controls.

Throughout 2013, these institutions will be leading the way on real-time detection and prevention of criminal behavior. Across industries, expect to see investment in network intrusion detection to increase. The number of organizations targeted by external entities, for the purpose of espionage has risen dramatically. Theft of intellectual property and customer data has become a board-level topic. Systems which are specifically designed to detect, then monitor or prevent an attack will be deployed increasingly in 2013.

Prediction 6 – Big Data-as-a-Service: BDaaS will see its first deployment and availability in Asia Pacific

The economics of data movement are tipping the scales towards distributed compute services.  Processing the data where it is sitting will be the model going forward for the next generation of platforms. The infrastructure for this is all falling into place for this achievement to take place.

We have seen cloud services, hosted data centers, service providers, and system integrators all expanding their XaaS offerings. The implementation and execution of a provisioned BDaaS solution will leverage platform, networking, storage, and compute services. IDC expects to see a breakthrough BDaaS offering in 2013, which will leverage all of these assets, as well as solve the challenge of how customers will on-board their data.

Prediction 8 – Data governance overheats: Big Data solutions will risk delayed implementation, due to new dimensions on traditional data governance challenges

Organizations have invested considerable time in agreeing on what data is to be included into traditional analytical data storage, how it is to be defined, ownership, and permissions. The inclusion of new sources of data, streaming in at high speeds, with potentially large issues around data quality, will be a massive challenge, on its own.

Business units will be looking for ways to effectively constrict information to just the relevant pieces, while trying to establish “good enough” data quality measures. IT departments will be faced with the challenge of how to integrate these new sources of data with their well-structured data management systems.

Adding to these challenges will be the issue of data ownership, and understanding where to apply access permissions. In 2013, as a number of organizations are starting their first Big Data projects, delays due to data governance will be a reality to work through.