New Analysys Mason Asia-Pacific research programme delivers insight into region’s diverse telecoms market

LONDON, UK, 1 September 2011 – Analysys Mason’s new Asia–Pacific regional research programme will provide in-depth insight into and analysis of the opportunities and challenges in the Asia–Pacific telecoms market.

The Asia–Pacific region has a dynamic telecoms market, which features innovative approaches to developing and driving growth in telecoms businesses. The region is diverse in its approach to technology choices, service design, pricing and bundling, and the development of new applications for media and payment services in emerging as well as developed markets.

Analysys Mason’s new programme will cover each of these key approaches and more, helping service providers, vendors, regulators and investors within and outside the region to maximise growth opportunities and position for success.

The programme draws upon Analysys Mason’s recognised authority and expertise in areas such as spectrum, M2M, wireless network technologies, next-generation access, and mobile broadband and applications.

Alexandra Rehak, lead analyst for the programme, comments: “The Asia–Pacific region presents a diverse set of market conditions, competitive environments and consumer preferences, creating significant challenges for market players.”

“The emerging Asian markets of China, India and South-East Asia are adding more telecoms services subscribers each year than any other market in the world, but service providers face significant challenges in keeping up with demand while still managing to maintain ARPU and churn at acceptable levels. More-mature markets, such as Japan, Singapore and South Korea, continue to be leaders in cutting-edge consumer services delivered via high-speed mobile and fixed broadband networks.”

The new Asia–Pacific regional research programme analyses and forecasts how key service and technology trends will play out in the Asia–Pacific region. It also identifies examples of telecoms business best practice within the region, as well as those from other parts of the world that are most relevant in the Asian telecoms environment.

Key issues we will examine in the programme include:

  • which next-generation mobile standards will dominate in the region, and how the timing of network and service roll-outs will vary across markets and impact operator payback periods
  • which operators are leading the market in terms of innovative services, to foster greater usage and extension of advanced data and content services among an already sophisticated user base
  • how service providers can apply more-sophisticated customer segmentation, bundling and pricing models, to maximise customer value in both emerging and developed Asian markets
  • what types of new mobile service and application providers are rolling out to consumers, and how these are differentiated across the region’s markets
  • what new business models and partnerships are developing around emerging services areas, such as cloud and M2M, and how quickly these will markets grow.

“The goal is to enable clients to make the most of opportunities in emerging and developed Asian telecoms markets,” says Rehak.

The programme benefits from our deep understanding of telecoms market dynamics in the region, supported by the on-the-ground resources in our regional offices in New Delhi and Singapore.

For further information about the programme visit: