GreenTouch Consortium Announces 17 New Members

AMSTERDAM ‒ May 19, 2011 ‒ GreenTouch™, a global industry initiative dedicated to dramatically improving the energy efficiency of information and communications technology (ICT) networks by a factor of 1,000, today announced that 17 new organizations from across the telecommunications, energy and academic sectors have joined the consortium, bringing the total number of member organizations to 46, involving more than 300 participants.

These new members – which include service providers, equipment vendors, research institutions and universities – will collaborate with existing GreenTouch members to research and invent technologies that will enable more energy-efficient networks, plus create the network architecture, specifications and roadmaps that will define them.

The new GreenTouch Consortium members, representing 12 countries and four continents, include:

  • Broadcom Corporation ‒ United States
  • Carnegie Mellon University ‒ United States
  • Chunghwa Telecom ‒ Taiwan, R.O.C.
  • France Telecom-Orange ‒ France
  • Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft ‒ Germany
  • Fujitsu ‒ Japan
  • National ICT Australia Ltd. ‒ Australia
  • Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp. (NTT) ‒ Japan
  • Politecnico di Torino ‒ Italy
  • TNO ‒ Netherlands
  • Tsinghua University ‒ China
  • TTI ‒ Spain
  • TU Dresden ‒ Germany
  • University College London ‒ United Kingdom
  • University of Delaware ‒ United States
  • University of Manchester ‒ United Kingdom
  • University of Toronto ‒ Canada

“Momentum and interest in GreenTouch continue to build around the world, as evidenced by both the exciting addition of all these new members, as well as the standing-room-only audience that attended the open-to-the-public Open Forum session that was held as part of our Members Meeting in Seoul last month,” said Gee Rittenhouse, chairman of the GreenTouch Consortium and vice president of research at Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs.

Research collaborations within GreenTouch are driven and coordinated by its members through working groups that span the range of technology areas applicable to ICT networks, including: Core Optical Networking and Transmission, Mobile Communications, Core Switching and Routing and Wireline Access Networks.

Membership in GreenTouch is open to any organization or individual who is committed to environmental sustainability and to supporting the consortium in realizing its vision. For more information about joining GreenTouch, e-mail

About GreenTouch

GreenTouch is a global consortium of leading service providers, academic and industrial research institutions and non-governmental organizations working together to define the challenges, identify the trends and issues and develop solutions that will achieve the goal of delivering within five years the architecture, specifications, roadmap and demonstrations of key components needed to increase the energy efficiency of ICT networks ‒ in particular, the service provider networks that make up the Internet ‒ by a factor of 1,000 from current levels.

In June 2010, GreenTouch received an award for energy efficiency innovation at the Global Telecoms Business Innovation Awards event. For more information, go to