MDSL IT jobs survey shows UK needs to invest to keep staff loya

London 4th April 2011– MDSL, the leading provider of international Telecom Expense and Market Data Management (TEM) solutions today announced the results of a survey of the UK Jobs market carried out at the recent Unified Communications Expo in London.

In a questionnaire completed by staff working in a wide range of IT-related industries, 65% said they would leave their job if offered an equivalent role with greater security while just over 41% felt their organisation could do more to save money and safeguard their positions.

19% were currently worried about the security of their own role, with that figure rising to 46% thinking their roles would not be more secure in three months and 50% concerned that their jobs would be no more secure in six months’ time. The survey further showed the proportion rising far higher to 85% for organisations with 500 or fewer employees.

While 67% of respondents thought a Unified Communications solution would save their organisation money, only 58% thought that their organisation was doing everything in its power to save money and safeguard jobs. Over 57% said they would feel more secure in their present employment if their organisation was properly investing in cost-saving Unified Communications solutions.

Ben Mendoza, CEO of MDSL, said: “This snapshot of opinion across a range of UK IT roles shows that job security is climbing higher on the list of priorities for all staff, even senior managers. It’s alarming to find 50% of the workforce will be more worried about the security of their jobs in six months’ time, while 41% think their organisation isn’t doing enough to save money and protect their positions.

“It’s understandable that organisations feel under pressure to cut costs, but the fact that 65% of staff would leave if they could find another role with better job security means they are weakening their organisations by not being smart about saving money. There are better ways to reduce costs than incurring all the expense and stress of hiring new people after perfectly good staff leave due to the perception, rightly or wrongly, that their organisation is being mismanaged,” Mendoza said.

He added: “Our own experience at the exhibition shows that, unlike their colleagues in the US, UK companies are largely unaware of Telecom Expense Management as a concept and the significant savings a TEM solution can deliver – which has to be a far better and less stressful way to lower costs and reduce waste than cutting the workforce.”

About MDSL

MDSL is the market leader in international Telecom Expense Management (TEM) and Market Data Management (MDM) solutions with offices in London, New York, Paris, Tokyo and Macau. The company features in the 2010 Gartner TEM Magic Quadrant, and is one of very few TEM providers to carry ISO 27001 and ISO 9001 certification.

Established in 1995, MDSL’s award-winning software and services assist enterprises around the world to manage their communications and market data costs more efficiently, and achieve significant cost savings on a global scale. With a range of solutions covering the full life cycle, from procurement to invoice reconciliation, more than 150 customers in over 34 countries trust MDSL products to deliver tangible and measurable benefits to their bottom line. MDSL is a member of the TEM Industry Association (TEMIA).