GreenTouch Consortium to Hold Open Forum in Seoul on Sustainable Networks and Climate Change Following Members Meeting

AMSTERDAM ‒ March 31, 2011 ‒The GreenTouch™ Consortium, a global research initiative dedicated to dramatically improving the energy efficiency of information and communications technology (ICT) networks by a factor of 1,000, is holding an Open Forum on Friday, April 8, following the organization’s Members Meeting April 6-8. Both events are taking place at the Seoul National University Advanced Institutes of Convergence Technology.

The Open Forum will feature a presentation on the GreenTouch Large-Scale Antenna System, a proof of concept technology with the potential to achieve tremendous energy savings through the novel application of wireless transmission techniques. Additionally, the scope of key GreenTouch projects will be described. Industry experts will also lead two sessions, with presentations on energy-efficient network technologies, eco-sustainability, climate change and related topics.

There is no charge to attend the GreenTouch Open Forum, but advance registration is required and early sign-up is encouraged. For more information, go to:

“This is a very exciting time to be involved with GreenTouch,” said Gee Rittenhouse, GreenTouch Consortium chairman and vice president of research at Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs. “The consortium is growing rapidly as new members join and the research projects being undertaken by our various working groups are putting us on track to meet our goal. We look forward to sharing our knowledge and progress at this Open Forum session.”

In addition to Rittenhouse, other scheduled GreenTouch Open Forum presenters include: Dr. Yuan-Kuang Tu, Chunghwa Telecom; Professor Rod Tucker, University of Melbourne; Greg Wright, Alcatel-Lucent; Professor Zhisheng Niu, Tsinghua University; Professor Yung Yi, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST); Laurent Herault, CEA-LETI; Dr. Yan Chen, Huawei; and Yasuyuki Sugiyama, NTT Energy and Environment Systems Laboratories.

About GreenTouch

GreenTouch is a global consortium of leading service providers, academic and industrial research institutions and non-governmental organizations working together to define the challenges, identify the trends and issues and develop solutions that will achieve the goal of delivering within five years the architecture, specifications, roadmap and demonstrations of key components needed to increase the energy efficiency of ICT  networks ‒ in particular, the service provider networks that make up the Internet ‒ by a factor of 1,000 from current levels.

In June 2010, GreenTouch received an award for energy efficiency innovation at the Global Telecoms Business Innovation Awards event. For more information, go to