Computing Industry Web and Design Insights — Part 1 of 8-Step Program to Reach Niche Markets Announced

( Software developers, hardware manufacturers and other companies in the computing industry targeting niche markets globally can now access an 8-step program for lead generation being offered by Global B2B Communications—and the upcoming site “Web and Design Science”, — for companies selling products or services on a global scale.  This 8-step program is specifically designed to help executives overseeing global marketing and/or e-commerce overcome the challenges posed by localized search algorithms, personalized search algorithms, and other ways in which today’s worldwide search engines work against those trying to reach highly niche vertical market prospects on a global level. Step one in the 8-step Plan is a Landing Page Makeover, utilizing the services of the world’s top expert in pay per click advertising to guide how niche-specific web pages can be developed and extensively tested to identify best approaches to reach narrow vertical markets before longer term website optimization and global communications plans are launched.  This high return-on-investment Landing Page Makeover service is essentially risk-free, as all payments are returned to any users of the service who are not completely satisfied.

Details of the Landing Page Makeover Service can be found at .

Amy Munice, creator of Global B2B Communications (and the forthcoming Web and Design Science website) has compiled this 8-step Program for companies seeking highly niche markets worldwide explains why the program begins with a focus on web and design.   Munice says, “Most business development managers in companies whom I speak with are unaware of how changes in how search engines work now favor companies that sell locally to the detriment of companies seeking global markets, or how personalized search algorithms make site ranking per se a far less meaningful metric.  There are many reasons why these misperceptions about online marketing are so widespread.   However, even when the inner workings of today’s Internet are better understood, it’s usually best to test any site revamping step-by-step.   Designing and testing web pages for niche audiences to ensure that they communicate correctly to targeted audiences is one of the ways that relatively quick pay per click campaigns can set longer term search engine optimization efforts on a correct course.”

Munice continues, “We’ve enlisted the world’s top expert in pay per click advertising, Howie Jacobson, who authored Google Adwords for Dummies and who is arguably the world leader in guiding revamp of AdWords’ landing pages for dramatic improvements in conversions and return-on-investment.  His service provides detailed analyses of where web communications are missing the mark.  Although objective data from ad campaigns provide a scientific basis for analysis, there is always an element that is more art than science and based on a well-honed instinct of how to combine web and design with verbiage to mesh with a particular audience.  Mr. Jacobson has demonstrated this ability to make informed instructions for two or three changes in page layout or verbiage that will have the greatest impact on results in the shortest order.  Contrary to what some might expect, he reports that many of his most dramatic makeover results have been for web pages written in languages that he does not even speak.  I’ve had the opportunity to observe Mr. Jacobson’s landing page makeover projects as they unfold and I am sure that others will be similarly impressed his cogent and quick analyses.   Like all offerings by Global B2B Communications, this is an extremely high return-on-investment service, and in this case especially low risk because Mr. Jacobson returns all payments to companies that are not completely satisfied.”

Other steps in the Vertical Market Lead Generation Program for Niche Global Marketers will be unveiled in the coming months, including:  advanced mathematical tools to identify better verbiage for niche markets; no-cost one-time demonstrations of artificial intelligence tools that map companies’ unique competitive landscape; no-cost one-time demonstrations of sophisticated mathematical tools used to measure how communications fare in the context of the natural language processing-based algorithms powering today’s search engines; marketing/PR strategies mapping correct mixes of advertising, website optimization and both online and off-line communications tools to reach niche markets;  self-study guides for Google AdWords; and beginner and advanced courses in how search engines work scheduled for various worldwide locations throughout 2011 -2012.

About Global B2B Communications

Global B2B Communications is both an online information source on up-to-date information on how world search engines work and a compendium of internet marketing tools and services in synch with today’s search algorithms, as well as directories for marketing online and off-line, such as a global directory of editor-recommended translators.  Web and Design Science is a companion website soon to be unveiled that additionally addresses issues of social media and other promotional methods important to those selling direct to consumers.  Amy Munice, President of ALM Communications (now also doing business as Global B2B Communications, and soon Web and Design Science can be reached at or +872-222-7361 or +773-862-6800, or Twitter—WorldB2B.