MS Tech Honored with Frost & Sullivan Global Detection Sensors Technology Innovation Award

Ness-Ziona, Israel, April 29, 2010 – MS Tech, a world class designer, manufacturer and innovator of advanced detection sensors, announced today that it has been awarded the 2010 Global Detection Sensors Technology Innovation Award by the consulting firm Frost & Sullivan.

MS Tech was selected for this award based on its proven ability to develop novel sensor technologies and integrated detection solutions. This award from Frost & Sullivan recognizes MS Tech’s innovation in the global sensors industry and the significant impact of its sensor technologies on new inspection products and integrated detection solutions.

MS Tech develops, manufactures and innovates advanced detection sensors for a wide range of industry sectors, including food safety, biomedical diagnostics, explosives and contraband detection, air and water monitoring and aerospace. The company’s patented sensor technologies are safe, environment friendly and offer highly accurate, real-time monitoring solutions.

“We are proud to receive this prestigious honor from Frost & Sullivan, the industry’s leading independent global consulting firm,” said MS Tech’s Chief Executive Officer, Doron Shalom. “As we raise capital investments to establish our world class Sensor R&D Center and manufacturing facilities, we take pride in moving cutting edge science out of the laboratory and into the hands of industry professionals. This award reflects the science and technology breakthroughs of our team and we would like to thank Dr. Lev Dayan and Moshe Shalom, the Co-Founders of MS Tech, Prof. Abraham Shanzer from the Department of Organic Chemistry at the Weizmann Institute of Science as well as all members of our Scientific Advisory Board for their outstanding contribution.”

“Frost & Sullivan conducted extensive research on the global detection sensors industry and MS Tech clearly deserves this award for technology innovation,” stated Dr. Rajender Thusu, Global Sensor Research Industry Analyst at Frost & Sullivan. “MS Tech’s unique application of its detection sensors and its strong track record of successfully commercializing its novel sensor technologies will certainly provide MS Tech with distinct competitive advantages and enable the company to attract innovative business partnerships and capitalize on profitable business opportunities.”

“We are currently focusing on the food safety and public health sector,” continued Shalom. “Our green and safe sensor technologies and integrated detection solutions address the current technology gaps in the food and beverages inspection sector. We plan to capture a significant share of this market and see our technology products and solutions becoming an essential part of the food inspection activities of local and national governments, food manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and eventually to consumers.”

About MS Tech
MS Tech is a world class developer, manufacturer and innovator of advanced detection sensors. MS Tech’s technologies are based on its award winning and patented detection sensors, which represent a scientific breakthrough in the detection and identification of materials in gas, vapor and liquid phases. MS Tech’s innovative sensor technologies are environmental friendly with widespread applications in several market sectors, including bio-medical diagnostics, food safety & product inspection, security & people screening, fire & smoke detection, water & air monitoring and aerospace. MS Tech develops, manufactures and supplies customized detection sensors and integrated solutions to its affiliates companies and other industrial OEM and resellers.