Legendary Japanese Survival Horror Game “Ao Oni” Gets Hit Sequel for Mobile – “Ao Oni 2”
TOKYO, Mar. 2, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — The original “Ao Oni” was released for PC by indie game developer noprops in 2009 and became a worldwide internet phenomena through gameplay videos by YouTube stars such as PewDiePie. In December 2016, seven year after the first game, Japanese developer GOODROID and influencer network UUUM created “Ao oni 2”. In addition, Japan’s No.1 gaming YouTube star HIKAKIN created the popularity of “Ao Oni 2”, the official sequel which instantly claimed the No.1 spot on both Google Play and iOS only days after it’s release.
Legendary Japanese Survival Horror Game “Ao Oni” Gets Hit Sequel for Mobile – “Ao Oni 2”
Within one month, “Ao Oni 2” was downloaded over 2 million times in Japan and again became a hype among kids and teens, boosted by over 40,000 YouTube gameplay videos made about the game.
The story of “Ao Oni 2” is set in an abandoned school in Japan and follows the story of Hiroshi and his friends, who are trapped within the building and, while searching for a way out, are being followed and attacked by the mysterious Ao Oni. The story can be played from the perspective of each character and by following their separate paths the true story behind the Ao Oni is finally revealed.
Filled with clever riddles, puzzles and thrilling survival action sequences, the “Ao Oni” series makes its debut on mobile and fans of Japanese horror and survival games can now enjoy the game in English, Chinese and Korean.
Mainland China: https://itunes.apple.com/cn/app/qing-gui2/id1178880179?mt=8
Hong Kong: https://itunes.apple.com/hk/app/qing-gui2/id1178880179?mt=8
Taiwan: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.uuum.blueman&hl=zh-TW
Google Play:
Hong Kong: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.uuum.blueman&hl=zh-HK
Taiwan: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.uuum.blueman&hl=zh-TW