優必達科技受邀至NVIDIA GPU年度技術大會主講雲端運算之應用

台北2009年10月7日電 /美通社亞洲/ — 優必達科技(Ubitus Inc.)日前接受NVIDIA邀請,於本月舉辦之GPU技術年度大會(GPU Technology Conference)上發表雲端運算(Cloud Computing)技術與NVIDIA產品整合的應用,及其後續可能帶來之效益。

NVIDIA 於今年9/30 – 10/2在美國加州聖荷西市舉辦為期三天的GPU技術年度大會,討論主題主要聚焦在繪圖晶片在視覺化運算、雲端運算、演算法與各項數值運算、CUDA架構等運用GPU所達成的各項重大突破上。與會廠商包括了學術界、開發商、新興廠商等共計上百家廠商共襄盛舉。



優必達有限公司是一家專注於數位匯流(FMC)軟體開發的領導廠商,授權其多媒體雲端運算(Cloud Computing)平臺方案給裝置製造商與電信業者,使其客戶能夠隨時隨地利用各種裝置作即時的內容分享服務,並提升加值業務的營收與使用率。

Ubitus Inc. Demonstrates Its Video Cloud Computing Technology to Support NVIDIA CUDA Architecture at GPU Technology Conference

TAIPEI, Taiwan, Oct. 7 /PRNewswire-Asia/ — Ubitus Inc. is invited by NVIDIA to attend the GPU Technology Conference this month to announce and demonstrate its video cloud computing platform as well as its related benefit by the integration of NVIDIA products.

The GPU Technology Conference is held from Sep. 30th to Oct. 2nd, in San Jose, CA, USA. This year, the main subjects focus on the important achievements by adopting GPU with Visual Computing, Cloud Computing, Algorithm, CUDA structure and other technologies. There were hundreds of companies joining this conference and the participants is including academics, developers, and emerging companies.

Ubitus has developed cloud computing technology based on distributed architecture for multimedia application years ago. This innovative solution has been adapted by many world-class companies; therefore, the CEO of Ubitus, Wesley Kuo, is invited to have a speech in GTC for sharing the experience and potential opportunity to integrate NVIDIA’s GPU technology.

Currently, Ubitus platform supports various of NVIDIA products, from Tegra chipset in mobile devices, to PC’s GeForce, and to Tesla in server market. Ubitus’ Cloud Computing can easily integrate these GPU-inside products and optimize/aggregate the multimedia processing power with best user experience delivery. Even the latest Fermi architecture announced during GTC will also be supported soon. With Ubitus solution, service providers and telecom carriers can build up an optimal Cloud Computing environment for better value-added applications.

About Ubitus, Inc.

Ubitus Inc. is a leading software platform provider for fixed-mobile convergence applications. They develop a rich media cloud computing solution for device manufacturers, wireless/wireline communication service providers and telecommunication network operators to advance consumer adoption of premium services relevant to sharing live content among friends, access to digital media anytime, anywhere.