Intergraph® 2010 New Zealand Users’ Community Conference Commences

AUCKLAND, New Zealand, Sept. 14, 2010 – Intergraph®, a leading provider of geospatial software, opened Intergraph 2010 New Zealand Users’ Community Conference today in Auckland, bringing together New Zealand’s top businesses, governments and organisations for two days of informative sessions and networking among industry leaders.

Intergraph 2010 New Zealand Users’ Community Conference will be held September 14-15 at the Rendezvous Hotel in Auckland. David Shearer, Member of Parliament for Mount Albert and the New Zealand Labour Party’s spokesperson for Research, Science and Technology and associate spokesperson for the Environment, will deliver an opening address focusing on innovation and opportunity. In his keynote address, Shearer will highlight New Zealand’s need to invest more heavily in science, research and development to capitalise on the nation’s natural resources, ensuring that New Zealand maintains its high standards of living into the future.

The industry-leading conference will also feature keynote sessions by Intergraph and industry representatives from the utilities, communications, government and transportation sectors from around New Zealand and Australia, giving Intergraph’s geospatial software customers a unique opportunity to learn about the latest industry developments and leverage best practices from other companies. Through the facilitation of an open discussion, they can find out how their technology investments can deliver maximum operational benefits.

Kevin Stanley, Vice President, Security, Government & Infrastructure, Asia Pacific, Intergraph, said, “Intergraph 2010 New Zealand Users’ Community Conference gives our customers a platform to learn about the latest technology developments for the geospatial industry, such as the recent introduction of GeoMedia software with 3D capabilities to enhance productivity and increase situational awareness for faster and more informed decision-making. Such industry-leading technology innovations help our customers to meet the challenges of an increasingly competitive business environment.”

“Intergraph offers a comprehensive range of geospatially-powered, vertically-tailored solutions for a wide range of industries, and we believe that Intergraph 2010 New Zealand Users’ Community Conference will inspire new levels of innovation for the future in the geospatial industry,” said Stanley. “We look forward to welcoming our customers and other industry leaders from around New Zealand and Australia at this conference for a timely perspective and to deliver a valuable educational experience for continued leadership and success in the future.”