Milestone Year for WiGig Alliance: MAC/PHY and Three PALs (WDE, WSE, WBE) Published, First WiGig Plugfest and ITU Recognition

Santa Clara, CA. December 13, 2011. The WiGig Alliance has published two new Protocol Adaptation Layer (PAL) specifications, the WiGig Display Extension (WDE) and the WiGig Serial Extension (WSE) to supplement the previously published WiGig Bus Extension (WBE) and MAC/PHY specifications.

This accomplishment completes an amazingly  successful year for the organization which has hosted the first ever interoperability test event, received ITU-R endorsement and formed a docking task group chartered with creating the world’s first multi-gigabit wireless docking specification.

The WiGig Alliance is now calling for developer involvement in the creation of the world’s first unified specification for multi-gigabit wireless docking. Creation and publication of the specification will revolutionize home networking by enabling a broad range of advanced uses, including wireless docking and connection to displays between personal computers, consumer electronics and PC, CE, handheld devices.

“We have reached a major milestone this year with the completion of all the necessary components of the first ever multi-gigabit wireless docking specification,” said WiGig Alliance President and Chairman, Dr. Ali Sadri.  “We are now calling for industry players to participate in what will be the world’s most important short-range wireless standard and a shake up for the industry.”

Filomena Berardi, Senior Market Analyst at IMS Research, commented: “The WiGig Alliance is moving forward at a great pace, writing specifications, encouraging industry involvement with plugfests, and achieving industry body acceptance. News that it has now published its final two PALs and set-up the industry’s first unified multi-gigabit wireless docking group brings high-speed wireless over 60GHz radio into a leading position. For consumers this is likely to deliver new levels of convenience, ease of use, and overall performance as early as next year.”

Since WiGig’s inception in 2009, the three main usage pillars have been wireless docking, wireless high definition video and wireless networking.  With the completion of the WSE and WDE specifications to supplement the previously completed MAC/PHY and WBE specifications, WiGig Alliance is now one step closer to realizing the vision of high-speed wireless home and office connectivity.