ATCi Hong Kong Teleport 宣佈與 Solana HK 攜手提供低成本寬頻服務

檀香山2010年1月18日電 /美通社亞洲/ — 2010年太平洋電信會議(Pacific Telecommunications Conference,簡稱 PTC)–商業衛星通信系統供應商 Antenna Technology Communications Inc.(簡稱 ATCi)和香港的主機託管服務提供者 Solana HK 今天在檀香山 PTC 會議上宣佈雙方簽署新的合作協定,共同為亞洲、非洲和中東地區未開發市場提供價格合理的行業寬頻衛星和光纖服務。新的夥伴關係將融合 ATCi 專有的、同類最佳的」Skyway to Highway」技術和 Solana HK 可提供創新型不限地點連線的世界級設施。自2010年3月31日起,這些地區中眾多的重要政府和商業客戶將獲得語音、資料和視頻 IP 服務。

ATCi 將採用最新一代 IP 廣播和信令技術 DVB S2 AC,效率比以前的平台高出60%。ATCi 的打包式解決方案加上射頻和數位 IP 優化技術的結合,將幫助 GSM 運營商通過成熟的網路優化和語音壓縮方法來降低回程頻寬需求。該解決方案將實現全面的頻寬優化,以此來消除不必要的數據。它還將控制語音寂聲情況的發生、根據需求壓縮埠語音、並對通信量進行分包,通過最符合成本效益的基礎設施來進行傳輸。這樣就大大降低了所有蜂窩連結中的頻寬需求,並且不會對語音品質和網路可靠性造成任何影響。頻寬利用率的下降意味著運營支出 (OpEx) 的減少,而運營支出是運營商的財務業績中至關重要的一部分。

ATCi 執行長 Gary Hatch 表示:」我們很高興能夠與 John Madsen 及其工作在香港一流設施中的團隊再次合作。」Hatch 又補充說:」我們相信,亞洲地區在語音視頻和資料閘道應用方面有著最強勁的成長機會。」

Solana HK 常務董事 John Madsen 稱:」這是一次令人興奮的合作。」Madsen 接著說:」與目前的寬頻和回程網路相比,ATCi 的技術具有很高的經濟性。Madsen 最後說:」我們在這一領域有著十分有利的成長地位,此次合作正是對兩家公司以服務品質為核心價值觀的完美表現。」


ATCi Hong Kong Teleport Announces Joint Alliance with Solana HK to Deliver Low Cost Broadband Services
HONOLULU, Jan. 18 /PRNewswire-Asia/ —

Pacific Telecommunications Conference (PTC) 2010 — Antenna Technology Communications Inc. (ATCi), a provider of commercial satellite communications systems and Solana HK, a Hong Kong based co-location facility, today announced from the PTC Conference in Honolulu its new cooperation agreement to jointly offer affordable, industry broadband satellite and fiber services to underserved markets throughout Asia, Africa and the Middle East. The new partnership will bring together the best of breed of ATCi’s proprietary “Skyway to Highway” technology to Solana HK’s world class facilities that offer innovative anywhere-to-anywhere access. Starting March 31, 2010, the voice, data and video IP services will be provided to numerous key government and commercial customers throughout the region.

ATCi will implement DVB S2 ACM-latest generation IP broadcast and signaling with up to 60% more efficiency than previous platforms. ATCi’s packaged solution coupled with interlaced RF to digital IP optimizer technology will enable GSM operators to reduce their backhaul bandwidth requirements through proven network optimization and voice compression methods. The solution will allow for comprehensive bandwidth optimization techniques to eliminate unnecessary data. It will also suppress silence, compress voice on interfaces that require it, and packetize traffic for transport over the most cost-effective infrastructure. The result is a dramatic reduction in bandwidth requirements across all cellular links without experiencing any degradation in voice quality or network reliability. Less bandwidth utilization means lower operating expenses (OpEx) which is critical to an operator’s financial performance.

“We are thrilled to reunite with John Madsen and his team at their new leading edge facility in Hong Kong,” said ATCi’s CEO, Gary Hatch. “We believe that the Asia region has the most dynamic growth opportunity for voice video and data gateway applications,” Hatch added.

“This is an exciting collaboration,” said John Madsen, Managing Director, Solana HK. “ATCi’s technologies are extremely economical as compared to current broadband and backhaul networks,” added Madsen. “We are extremely well positioned for growth in this area, the partnership is an excellent fit in that quality of service is a core ethic for both companies,” Madsen concluded.

The voice, data and video IP services will be available March, 2010.