
以色列尼坦亞市2009年12月22日電 /美通社亞洲/ — 領先市場的行動電視晶片製造商思亞諾公司(Siano) (http://www.siano-ms.com )今天宣佈,世界一流個人導航裝置(PND)製造商Garmin、Mio、Navigon等公司已將Siano的尖端MDTV接收器晶片整合於他們最新的消費型導航的PND產品中。能夠贏得這項整合設計,意謂著Siano針對消費型PND導航裝置市場的重大進展,更進一步提升Siano在新興的行動電視市場做為MDTV晶片解決方案「One Stop Shop」供應商的地位。

在思亞諾的高性能接收器晶片系列的基礎上,PND裝置將提供優異的行動數位電視(MDTV)觀賞經驗 –即使在最極端的環境條件下,仍能維持良好收訊,充分滿足PND使用者的高度要求,譬如在收訊困難的「都市峽谷」中或高速行駛中,仍能維持清晰的畫面。思亞諾讓所有提供「使用者免費」行動電視觀賞功能的廠商,都能夠從主要地面電視頻導傳送電視節目。代表思亞諾全球市場滲透的導航+電視裝置(內置思亞諾接收器晶片),將在韓國、歐洲、中國和巴西上市供應,支援這些地區的不同行動電視技術。

思亞諾執行長Alon Ironi說:「個人導航是行動電視推出的完美搭配。以寬大螢幕、強大的圖像/視訊性能和機動性為特徵的行動數位電視,是導航裝置的最大互補特性。我們非常興奮,能夠與全球頂尖的PND品牌合作。我們期待行動電視將會加速被採用於全世界的GPS消費者市場。」

In-Stat市調公司負責行動電視市場的首席分析師Michelle Abraham說:「行動電視為PND廠商打開觀眾市場。由於消費者希望在行動中也能夠收視多媒體內容,因此為GPS裝置增添額外娛樂服務(如行動電視),將成為PND業者保持市場競爭優勢之必要標準配備。」

思亞諾將在即將於2010年1月7-10日在拉斯維加斯希爾頓貿易中心(Hilton Central Tower)舉行之國際消費類電子產品展(CES exhibition)中展示最新的MDTV創新方案。如欲安排會面時間,請以CES10@siano-ms.com聯絡Siano。



欲瞭解更多思亞諾解決方案資訊,請參考: http://www.siano-ms.com 。

Siano Powers GPS Mobile TV Revolution: Teams with World’s Largest PND Makers
NETANYA, Israel, Dec. 22 /PRNewswire-Asia/ — Leading mobile TV chip maker, Siano Mobile Silicon (http://www.siano-ms.com ), announced today that the world’s largest Personal Navigation Device (PND) makers, Garmin, Mio, Navigon and others – have integrated its leading MDTV receiver chips into their latest consumer GPS products. The design wins represent a major penetration of the consumer GPS market for Siano, further enhancing its position as a one-stop shop for MDTV chip solutions in emerging mobile TV markets.

Based on Siano’s family of high-performing receiver chips, the PND devices will offer a superior mobile digital TV (MDTV) viewing experience – enabling reception in the most extreme conditions to meet the high demands of PND users, such as crystal clear reception in tough urban canyons, and when traveling at high speeds. Siano enables all vendors with ‘free-to-the-user’ mobile TV viewing, transmitting television programmes from major terrestrial television channels. Representative of Siano’s global market reach, the navigation plus TV devices with Siano inside are available in Korea, Europe, China, and Brazil, supporting the different mobile TV technologies of these regions.

“Personal Navigation is a perfect fit for mobile TV roll-out.” said Alon Ironi, CEO of Siano. “Characterized by large screens, powerful graphics/video performance and mobility – digital television on-the-go is the ultimate complementary feature for navigation devices. We are excited to be working with the top global PND brands – and look forward to accelerating the adoption of mobile TV into GPS consumer markets worldwide.”

Michelle Abraham, Principal Analyst covering mobile TV at research firm In-Stat, added: “Mobile TV opens up audiences and markets for PND vendors. Given the consumers’ desire to access multimedia content on the go, combining GPS with additional entertainment services such as mobile TV is a must have criterion for PND players to maintain their competitive edge in the market.”

Siano will be demonstrating the latest in MDTV innovations at the upcoming CES exhibition in Las Vegas, 7-10 January, at the Hilton Central Tower. To schedule a meeting please contact CES10@siano-ms.com.

About Siano Mobile Silicon

Siano Mobile Silicon is the leading mobile digital TV chip maker in the world. Pioneers of the multi-standard approach, Siano’s highly integrated silicon receiver chips enable high-performance, fast time-to-market mobile TV solutions for handheld device makers. Siano offers a complete family of MDTV receiver chips for the key emerging mobile TV markets in Europe, South America and China and works closely with global tier-1 PC and mobile handset manufacturers. Siano is a global company with offices in North America, China, Taiwan, Korea and EMEA (Israel).

For more information on Siano Mobile Silicon’s solutions, please visit: http://www.siano-ms.com .