全新 ZigBee Remote Control 規範:帶來新一代遙控體驗

加州聖拉蒙2009年12月17日電 /美通社亞洲/ — 專門針對能源管理、商業和消費應用領域製作無線解決方案且橫跨全球的企業聯盟 ZigBee(R) 聯盟 (ZigBee(R) Alliance) 今天宣佈推出先進遙控裝置的全新全球標準 ZigBee Remote Control。ZigBee Remote Control 是首個專門針對今年稍早發表的 ZigBee RF4CE 規格之公共應用規範。

ZigBee Remote Control 讓消費者無需再將遙控裝置指向設備即能進行操作,因此能夠在附近的房間靈活控制設備,遙控裝置和設備之間也能進行獨一無二的雙向通訊,同時為高畫質電視、家庭劇院系統、機上盒及其他音訊設備等各種消費電子 (CE) 產品帶來更長的遙控裝置電池使用壽命。

ZigBee Remote Control 以無線射頻 (RF) 控制技術取代已有30年歷史的紅外線 (IR) 技術,而且與 IR 遙控裝置以及大螢幕 LCD 電視和等離子電視相關的指向混淆和其他性能問題也不復存在。此外還為傳統遙控裝置帶來了新的功能,茲列舉如下:

– 能夠定位找不到的遙控裝置
– 通用命令集可達到真正的互通,無需使用多個遙控裝置
– 能夠對擺放在幾乎任何位置的設備進行操控,比如說木門後、玻璃門後、或其他房間
– 增強的用戶介面和先進的顯示功能
– 全新互動式功能,能夠在遙控裝置的 LCD 螢幕上瀏覽內容
– 無線升級和程式設計能力

ZigBee 聯盟主席 Bob Heile 表示:「ZigBee Remote Control 為電子產品製造商提供了一種全球標準,可簡化對各種消費電子設備的操控,並改善用戶體驗。今後,消費者將享有更大的便利,更加靈活地使用消費電子設備。」

ZigBee Remote Control 規範為消費電子產品製造商提供了具體的標準供製作可互通產品之用,無論製造商是誰,都能在電子設備與遙控裝置之間落實先進的通訊。此一規範現已對 ZigBee 聯盟所有成員推出。

今年,該聯盟已在 ZigBee RF4CE 規格方面獲得大幅的進展。此一規範於3月份對 ZigBee 聯盟成員推出,6月份,Golden Unit 平臺通過認證,從9月份起大眾可下載此一規範。如此迅速的進展正表明,隨著消費電子產品製造商力求在產品中整合創新的技術,為廣大的顧客帶來全新的功能和便利的體驗,使得市場對此一規範展現了濃厚的興趣。

ZigBee Remote Control — 先進遙控裝置的標準

ZigBee Remote Control 是簡單易用的先進 RF 遙控裝置之全球標準,可讓各種消費電子 (CE) 產品(包括高畫質電視、家庭劇院系統、機上盒及其他音訊設備)具備非視線操作、雙向通訊、使用距離更長、電池壽命延長等優點。ZigBee Remote Control 是 ZigBee RF4CE 規格的公共應用規範。欲知詳情,請至 http://www.zigbee.org/remotecontrol 。


ZigBee 是全球無線語言,能夠將截然不同的設備連接起來並一起運作,使每一天的生活更加美好。ZigBee 聯盟是一個由300多家成員企業組成的非營利協會,共同推動 ZigBee 無線技術的發展。該聯盟致力在世界各地推廣 ZigBee,使其成為應用於消費電子產品、能源、住宅、商業和工業領域的領先無線網路連線、感應和控制標準。欲知詳情,請至 http://www.zigbee.org

New ZigBee Remote Control Profile: Delivering Next Generation Remote Control

SAN RAMON, Calif., Dec 17 /PRNewswire_Asia/ — The ZigBee(R) Alliance, a global ecosystem of companies creating wireless solutions for use in energy management, commercial and consumer applications, today announced the availability of ZigBee Remote Control, the new global standard for advanced remote controls. ZigBee Remote Control is the first public application profile designed specifically for use with the ZigBee RF4CE specification announced earlier this year.

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ZigBee Remote Control frees consumers from pointing remotes at devices, offers flexible control from nearby rooms, enables unique two-way communications between the remote and device, plus delivers improved remote battery life for a variety of consumer electronic (CE) devices like HDTV, home theater equipment, set-top boxes and other audio equipment.

ZigBee Remote Control replaces 30 year-old infrared (IR) technology with radio frequency (RF) control and eliminates the pointing confusion and other performance problems associated with IR remotes and large screen LCD and plasma televisions. It also delivers new functionality to conventional remotes, including:

– Ability to locate misplaced remote controls
– Common command set for true interoperability eliminating the need for multiple remote controls
– Control of equipment stored almost anywhere, including behind wood and glass doors or in other rooms
– Enhanced user interfaces and advanced display capabilities
– New interactive capabilities and the ability to navigate content on the remote’s LCD
– Over-the-air upgrades and programmability

“ZigBee Remote Control offers electronics manufacturers a global standard to simplify control of a wide variety of CE devices and improve their customer experience,” said Bob Heile, chairman of the ZigBee Alliance. “Consumers will enjoy new conveniences that give them more flexibility in the way they use their CE devices for years to come.”

The ZigBee Remote Control profile gives CE manufacturers a defined standard to create interoperable products offering advanced communications between devices and remote controls, regardless of manufacturer. The profile is currently available to all ZigBee Alliance members.

The Alliance has made rapid progress with the ZigBee RF4CE specification this year. The specification was made available to ZigBee Alliance members in March, golden unit platforms were certified in June and the specification was made available for public download in September. The rapid progress demonstrates strong interest from the market as CE manufacturers seek to integrate innovative technology in their products that deliver new features and a convenient experience for their customers.

ZigBee Remote Control – The standard for advanced remote controls

ZigBee Remote Control is the global standard for advanced and easy-to-use RF remotes that delivers non-line-of-sight operation, two-way communication, longer range of use and extended battery life for a variety of consumer electronic (CE) devices including HDTV, home theater equipment, set-top boxes and other audio equipment. ZigBee Remote Control is the public application profile for the ZigBee RF4CE specification. For more information, visit: http://www.zigbee.org/remotecontrol .

ZigBee: Control your world

ZigBee is the global wireless language connecting dramatically different devices to work together and enhance everyday life. The ZigBee Alliance is a non-profit association of more than 300 member companies driving development of ZigBee wireless technology. The Alliance promotes world-wide adoption of ZigBee as the leading wirelessly networked, sensing and control standard for use in consumer electronic, energy, home, commercial and industrial areas. For more information, visit: http://www.ZigBee.org .