全球時尚集團 Gerry Weber 選擇艾利丹尼森射頻識別解決方案來減少偷盜、改善庫存管理和客戶服務

香港2009年11月27日電 /美通社亞洲/ — 在全球擁有338家 HOUSES OF GERRY WEBER 分店和1400處店中店的領先時尚公司 Gerry Weber 將成為德國首間推廣具備庫存管理和損失預防功能的射頻識別 (RFID) 技術的零售公司。Gerry Weber 透過艾利丹尼森 (Avery Dennison) 的RFID 解決方案,使用一個鑲嵌於熨洗須知標籤內的 RFID 芯片應用於每年產量2500多萬件服裝上。該解決方案將優化 Gerry Weber 的物流和零售流程、減少偷盜的發生並確保店面保持充足的熱賣品庫存。

Gerry Weber International AG主席Gerhard Weber 表示:「推廣 RFID 的決定是我們公司一個真正的里程碑。我們建議所有紡織服裝供應商都採用 RFID 來大幅節約成本、提高效率和零售透明度。」

艾利丹尼森 RFID 織物熨洗須知標籤會被應用在生產過程中,從而使零售員工不必在店內安裝和去除傳統的大型安全標籤 — 這不僅耗時而且成本較高。顧客在收銀台付款之後,艾利丹尼森 RFID 標籤中的信號就可自動解除。

艾利丹尼森歐洲、中東及非洲區副總裁兼總經理 Graham Diamond 表示:「我們很高興與 Gerry Weber 合作,他們引領了德國市場採用這一智能解決方案。由於在幫助零售商提高銷售額、利潤和客戶服務方面帶來了顯著的優勢,RFID 技術已在全球迅速發展。」

RFID 無需視線或身體接觸就可進行數據採集,因此艾利丹尼森解決方案將使 Gerry Weber Group 能夠顯著改善其庫存管理和物流流程,實現更快、更準確的貨物接收、改善庫存控制和透明度並簡化存貨盤點。

Gerry Weber 物流主管 David Frink 博士表示:「這項技術使我們能夠提高零售店庫存的準確性,並因此改善貨物供應。比如,耗時的存活清點工作將不復存在。」

RFID 標籤(亦來自艾利丹尼森)鑲嵌於熨洗須知標籤中,可在高達華氏140度 (攝氏60度)的水溫中清洗,並且還可以乾洗。這實現了服裝從生產到上架的全程,即使是正在洗滌或乾洗的過程中,都可以被追蹤。

新的 RFID 系統在 Gerry Weber 店舖裡的測試十分成功,Gerry Weber 明年將把這一解決方案推廣到其150多個分店。

艾利丹尼森是服裝行業 RFID 技術領導者。現在,紡織行業90%以上的 RFID 標籤都來自艾利丹尼森。

Gerry Weber Group 簡介

Gerry Weber Group 是德國一家在 SDAX 上市的時尚公司,在全球各地擁有2300多名員工、338家 HOUSES OF GERRY WEBER 店面和1400多個銷售區。該公司是領先的國際時尚企業之一。這家控股公司主管5個自有品牌的生產,年產量約為2500萬件。


艾利丹尼森為工業及消費市場提供一系列別具創新的品牌標識及修飾方案,是全球公認的業界龍頭企業。艾利丹尼森的產品包括壓敏標籤物料、圖像媒體、零售服裝標籤、品牌系統、RFID無線射頻識別嵌體及其標籤、辦公室用品、特殊膠帶以及多種的專門標籤為汽車、工業和耐用品應用。以美國加州為基地的艾利丹尼森,在2008年憑67億美元銷售額位列美國《財富》500強企業之一。艾利丹尼森於世界60多個國家僱用多名員工。詳細資料請瀏覽: http://www.averydennison.com

Global Fashion Group Gerry Weber Chooses Avery Dennison RFID Solution to Reduce Theft, Improve Inventory Management and Enhance Customer Service

HONG KONG, Nov. 27 /PRNewswire-Asia/ — Gerry Weber, a leading fashion and lifestyle company with 338 HOUSES OF GERRY WEBER stores and 1,400 shop-in-shop areas throughout the world, will become the first German retail company to roll out RFID technology combining inventory management and loss prevention. Gerry Weber will be using an Avery Dennison RFID solution in over 25 million garments a year through an RFID chip imbedded in a care label. This solution will optimise Gerry Weber logistics and retail processes, reduce theft and ensure stores are well stocked with popular items.

“The decision for the RFID roll out is a true milestone for our company,” says Gerry Weber International AG Chairman Gerhard Weber. “We invite all textile apparel suppliers to embrace the introduction of RFID to achieve significant cost savings, improved efficiency and greater transparency in retail.”

The Avery Dennison RFID fabric care labels will be applied in the manufacturing process, eliminating the need for retail staff to fit and remove conventional bulky security tags in-store which can be time-consuming and costly. The Avery Dennison RFID label is automatically deactivated after the customer has paid for the goods at the checkout.

“We are excited to partner with Gerry Weber as they lead the German market in adoption of this intelligent solution,” commented Graham Diamond, vice president and general manager, Avery Dennison EMEA. “RFID technology is emerging rapidly around the world due to the significant benefits it provides retailers in helping them improve sales, profits and customer service.”

RFID allows for data capture without the need for line of sight or physical contact, so the Avery Dennison solution will enable Gerry Weber Group to significantly improve its inventory management and logistics processes, bringing faster and more accurate goods receipt, improved control and visibility of stock and simplified stock taking.

Logistics director at Gerry Weber, Dr. David Frink, says: “This technology allows us to achieve high stock accuracy and thereby an improved goods supply at the retail store. Time-consuming counting operations, for example for inventories, will no longer be necessary.”

The RFID inlay, also from Avery Dennison, is incorporated in a care label and is washable up to 140 degree Fahrenheit (60 degree Celsius) and can be dry cleaned. This makes it possible to trace garments from production to point of sale, even if they are washed or dry cleaned in the process.

Tests of the new RFID system in Gerry Weber stores have been extremely successful and Gerry Weber will roll out the solution to more than 150 of its own branches next year.

Avery Dennison is the RFID leader for the apparel industry. Today, more than 90 per cent of all RFID labels used in the textile industry are supplied by Avery Dennison.

About Gerry Weber Group

The SDAX-listed German fashion and lifestyle company employs more than 2,300 staff worldwide. It owns 338 HOUSES OF GERRY WEBER stores and more than 1400 store areas in all parts of the world and is one of the leading international fashion businesses. The holding business heads the production of five own brands with approx. 25 million garments each year.

About Avery Dennison Corporation

Avery Dennison is a recognized industry leader that develops innovative identification and decorative solutions for businesses and consumers worldwide. The Company’s products include pressure-sensitive labeling materials; graphics imaging media; retail apparel ticketing and branding systems; RFID inlays and tags; office products; specialty tapes; and a variety of specialized labels for automotive, industrial and durable goods applications. A FORTUNE 500 Company with sales of $6.7 billion in 2008, Avery Dennison is based in Pasadena, California and has employees in over 60 countries. For more information, visit http://www.averydennison.com .

For more information about the Information and Brand Management Division of Avery Dennison’s Retail Information Services Group, please visit http://www.ibmd.averydennison.com .