
北京2009年9月10日電 /美通社亞洲/ — 艾威梯公司宣佈,經多年醞釀精心研發的扁鵲飛救 遠程健康救助系統( http://www.扁鵲飛救.com 或 http://www.mhealthservice.com )今天正式上市。

在當今社會,忙碌的工作、緊張的生活節奏、異地的學習和工作,使我們面對年歲漸高的父母的身體健康狀況,更多的是一種心有餘而力不足的無奈。為此,IVT 推出了遠程健康救助系統,該系統以扁鵲飛救為名,意在為其植入千年中醫養生文化之精髓與靈魂,秉承中醫鼻祖扁鵲的養生之道:「不治已病治未病」,時常監測,防病於未然。

扁鵲飛救是利用多項世界領先的無線通訊專利技術與現代醫學科技相結合,通過健康手機、數字化醫療設備、移動和固話網絡、呼叫中心、網絡平台等構成一套集預防、監測、定位、呼救於一體遠程健康救助服務系統。利用該系統,用戶可以無創傷性地實時測量血壓、心電圖、脈搏、血氧,並將這些代表生命體征的測量結果顯示在 IVT 特製的健康手機上,通過 GPRS 或短信自動發送到 IVT 呼叫中心(400-8186-120)的個人電子健康檔案庫中,也可以自動發到綁定的親友手機上,便於親友及呼叫中心及時掌握用戶健康狀況。該手機是全球首款實現固網與移動網融合的健康手機,在家既可當手機,還可當無繩電話,在廚房、衛生間都可接打家裡的固話。當出現意外時,用戶通過健康手機上的緊急救助鍵實現一鍵呼救,手機會自動撥通當地的急救中心(999或120),在室內如移動網信號不好,則自動走固網;並發短信到親友手機上請求救援,如用戶在室內,短信還會自動附帶上家庭詳細地址,便於救助時定位;同時再通過 GPRS 和短信兩種方式同時將呼救信息自動發送到呼叫中心,以確保呼叫中心得到求救信息並協助救援。

扁鵲飛救還提供了多種網絡登錄通道。為醫院和急救中心提供的通道分別為 http://www.扁鵲醫救.com 和 http://www.扁鵲急救.com,他們可查詢用戶信息檔案、健康數據、既往病歷,方便他們對用戶給出健康指導,提供及時的急救治療服務;為廣大的終端用戶提供的登錄通道為 http://www.扁鵲健康.com,用戶可隨時查詢自己的電子健康檔案,掌握自己的身體健康狀況。

扁鵲飛救還具有操作簡單、攜帶方便、全國覆蓋 、信息共享等特點,可以為廣大心腦血管疾病的中老年人群、幹部保健人群及亞健康人群提供身體健康狀況實時監測、跟蹤查詢、定位救助、健康咨詢及指導等服務,有利於疾病的預防、急救及日常健康保健,可以使用戶健康狀況處於24小時全天候監控中,將大大提高了用戶的健康安全係數。

IVT 正積極尋找合作夥伴在大陸、香港、台灣推廣此服務。

IVT Corporation Announces Mobile Health Services in China
BEIJING, Sept. 10 /PRNewswire-Asia/ — IVT Corporation announced today that it has launched a new mobile health service in China: http://www.mhealthservice.com . It is a complete remote medical monitoring solution that allows medical monitoring from home, reducing the risk of diseases and assisting with speedy rescue in the case of an emergency.

This system includes:

1) A device kit which includes: a S120 special designed mobile phone, a wireless blood pressure meter, a wireless ECG monitor, a wireless oximeter, and a wireless PSTN access point. Using this set of devices, patients can measure their blood pressure, cardiogram and blood oxygenation. The results, which stand for vital life signs, are displayed on the S120 and sent to the patient’s personal health database on a remote online server where the data is saved. The whole procedure is fully automated. Also, the test results can be automatically forwarded to a third party via short messages, allowing a patient’s relatives to easily monitor their loved one’s medical condition. The devices kit is very small, convenient to carry and attractively cased.

2) An online network platform has been created (http://www.mhealthservice.com ) where the personal health data of patients are recorded in a database. All health data can be accessed remotely at any time by hospitals, emergency centers, or patients and their relatives. Moreover, this online platform provides a series of health care information. A special entry is given to the national emergency centre, such that when the emergency centre receives a call, based on the incoming caller ID (the calling mobile number), the emergency centre can access the caller’s e-patient record. Therefore, emergency centres can prepare a better rescue plan. Similarly, a special entry is given to hospitals, based on the patient’s mobile number, allowing doctors to access the caller’s e-patient record. This gives doctors a better understanding patient’s health history.

3) A call center (national uniform call number in China 400-8186-120) provides 24-hour services in China with health consultations, and instantly assists on processing the emergency rescue requirements sent by client terminals.

4) The S120 is the first health care mobile phone in the world that realizes Fixed-Mobile Convergence. It is bound with a fixed-lined telephone via the wireless PSTN access point. The mobile phone can be used as a cordless phone to make it more convenient when making/receiving fixed-line calls.

If an accident happens, the patient can press the hotkey on the S120 to connect to the emergency centre via the mobile network, if it is indoors, then it can automatically connect to the emergency centre via a PSTN line when the mobile signal is weak; it will automatically send a rescue short message (with indoor location if it is indoors) to all related parties (IVT call centre, emergency centre and their relatives); it will also automatically send a rescue signal to the IVT call centre via a GPRS link in real time.

While IVT is providing mobile health services to end-users in China, the company will also export the complete system, including the online platform and devices kit, outside China. IVT can localize the online network platform and is currently looking for partners to provide such services worldwide.