
台北2009年6月18日電 /美通社亞洲/ — TANDBERG今天首開先河,推出專為剛採行視訊通訊或期望擴展為大規模部署的公司所設計之全高解析度視訊會議解決方案。TANDBERG Quick Set C20提供無與倫比的高畫質、可負擔和使用簡便的視訊通訊,可望為TANDBERG公司開發新的市場商機。

TANDBERG亞太區(中國和日本除外)總裁Lars Ronning表示:「當您考慮到一套C20系統的成本還不到一趟國際商務旅行的開支,這套解決方案便絕對具有財務上的意義。TANDBERG Quick Set C20是同類系統中的創舉 — 以較小型企業負擔得起的價位,提供絕對高畫質的視訊通訊。視訊通訊使得企業可以在精減員工的情況下,增加與顧客面對面的時間,同時減少差旅開支、吸收頂尖人才(無論人才位於何處)、並建立協同合作的文化。

中小型企業(SMBs)尤其可以受惠於C20的特性。佔全球90%勞動力的中小型企業,如今比以往更專注於創新方法,以充分運用商機,同時降低營運成本。Quick Set C20可排除差旅的必要 (無論是為見一位顧客而坐六小時飛機或為拜訪本地顧客而花一小時車程),有助於降低成本和增進生產力,同時可以集合員工、顧客、遠端專家和供應商參與視訊會議,以做出快速而明智的決策。Quick Set C20提供即時投資報酬率。根據AMI-Partners的報告,2009年亞太區中小型企業的IT開支將達到1,530億美元。

TANDBERG的顧客RTX採用視訊會議系統後,已顯現節約成本和增進生產力的效果。RTX是一家設於香港的無線產品開發商,擁有48名員工。RTX副總裁Peter Christensen說:「視訊會議意味著我們可以真正地跨界工作,在我們的專案上協同合作。視訊會議對我們的生產力發揮很大的貢獻。我覺得我們應該更早採用視訊會議系統的。」

Frost & Sullivan視訊會議與協同合作部門首席分析師Roopam Jain表示:「中小型企業的幅員越來越廣。為了發揮正常營運,有效的會議解決方案的需求日益迫切。視訊會議雖然很有效,但傳統上視訊會議需要很昂貴的器材和資源,因此視訊會議對中小企業來說並不實惠。獨一無二的TANDBERG Quick Set C20以極具吸引力的價格,提供安裝簡便且隨插即用的高解析度視訊會議解決方案,是眾多IT資源有限的公司不可錯過的必備設備。此外,高品質影音體驗,加上可透過軟體升級增強特性的能力,不需要購買昂貴的新硬體,更強化了Quick Set C20對中小型企業的價值。」

TANDBERG Quick Set C20是一套完全視訊通訊系統,包括TANDBERG Codec C20、一台4倍光學變焦高解析度1080p30攝影機、一個搖控器和一台擴音器。這套系統插上任何高解析度顯示幕,即可發揮視訊會議功能。只要五個簡單的步驟,使用者便可連接1)攝影機、2)顯示幕、3)電源、4)網路和5)擴音器。完成連接後,便可與全世界任何地方的同事、顧客和供應商進行面對面通訊。

TANDBERG Quick Set C20plus是標準系統的增強版,配備12倍光學變焦攝影機,並可選擇1080p30或720p60模式。無論是標準版或增強版的Quick Set C20,均可支援雙螢幕功能,以強化多媒體分享,並具備TANDBERG管理套件支援。此外,中小型企業大可放心。如果他們需要進行多點會議,TANDBERG一系列獲獎的高解析度多點控制單元(MCUs)可輕鬆搭配Quick Set C20,提供完全1080p30高解析度大型視訊會議能力。相關升級軟體預計於第三季初推出。

TANDBERG Quick Set C20目前已經上市。如欲了解更多相關資訊,請登入TANDBERG網站( http://www.TANDBERG.com ),或透過e-mail聯絡TANDBERG:moreinfo@TANDBERG.com 。


TANDBERG是全球視訊科技的領導廠商,提供網真、 高清晰視訊會議及行動視訊等相關產品和服務。企業總部設在紐約和挪威兩地。TANDBERG設計、生產、及行銷各式視訊、語音、及數據系統和相關服務,目前已行銷九十餘國,提供各項支援與加值服務。TANDBERG目前是奧斯路交易所的上市公司,代號為TAA.OL。進一步詳細內容請點選http://www.tandberg.com 。

TANDBERG Makes Entry Level Full High-Definition Video Conferencing Accessible
TAIPEI, Taiwan, June 18 /PRNewswire-Asia/ — TANDBERG, today, unveiled the first-of-its-kind full high definition video conferencing solution designed specifically for companies just getting started with video communications or those looking to scale a large deployment . The TANDBERG Quick Set C20 is set to open up new market opportunities for TANDBERG by promising to deliver unrivalled high-quality, affordable, easy-to-use visual communications.

TANDBERG’s President for Asia Pacific (excluding China and Japan), Lars Ronning said, “When you consider that the cost of a single C20 system is less than the cost of an international business trip, this solution makes absolute fiscal sense. The TANDBERG Quick Set C20 is the first offering of its kind — providing absolute quality video at a price point within the reach of smaller businesses. Video enables a lean staff to increase customer face time and reduce travel expenses; recruit top talent no matter where they are located; and build a culture around collaboration.”

Small and Medium Businesses (SMBs) in particular will stand to benefit from the C20s features. Comprising 90% of the world’s workforce, SMBs are focused now more than ever on innovative ways to leverage opportunities and reduce operating costs. By eliminating the need for travel — whether a six hour flight to meet with a customer, or one hour spent in traffic traveling to a local office — the Quick Set C20 helps reduce costs and improve productivity, while bringing together employees, customers, remote experts and suppliers to make faster, smarter decisions — all with an immediate return on investment. According to a report by Access Markets International Partners (AMI-Partners), IT expenditure by SMBs in the Asia Pacific region will reach US$153 billion in 2009.

“TANDBERG customer RTX, a wireless products developer based in Hong Kong firm with a staff of 48, has seen cost savings and increased productivity with video conferencing. “Video conferencing means we can truly work across boundaries to collaborate on projects. It’s a huge boon for productivity and I wish we’d done it sooner,” said Peter, Christensen, Vice President, RTX.

“SMBs are increasingly becoming remote, heightening their need for effective conferencing solutions to carry on normal business operations. Video conferencing, while very effective, has traditionally required expensive equipment and resources, making it uneconomical for this group,” said Roopam Jain, Principal Analyst — Conferencing & Collaboration, Frost & Sullivan. “The TANDBERG Quick Set C20 is unique in that it provides a plug-and-play high-definition video conferencing solution at an attractive price point that is easy to install; a requirement for many companies who may have limited IT resources. Moreover, the high-quality visual and audio experience, coupled with the ability to get enhanced features through a simple software upgrade instead of requiring new expensive hardware makes the Quick Set C20 a great value for SMBs.”

The TANDBERG Quick Set C20 is a complete visual communication package that includes a TANDBERG Codec C20, a high-resolution 1080p30 camera with 4x zoom, a remote control and a microphone. The system can be plugged into any high definition display for immediate video conferencing capabilities. In just five simple steps users connect the 1) camera, 2) display, 3) power, 4) network and 5) microphone and are ready to connect face-to-face with colleagues, customers, and suppliers anywhere in the world.

The TANDBERG Quick Set C20plus is an enhanced offering that comes with a 12x zoom camera and the ability to select 1080p30 or 720p60 modes. Both Quick Set C20 packages have the ability to support dual screens for enhanced multi-media sharing and are supported by the TANDBERG Management Suite. Additionally, SMBs can rest assured that if they ever require multipoint conferences the award-winning line of high-definition TANDBERG MCUs will work with the Quick Set C20 to easily enable larger conferences in full 1080p30 high definition with a software upgrade scheduled for availability in early Q3.

The TANDBERG Quick Set C20 is currently available for purchase. For more information, please visit http://www.TANDBERG.com or contact moreinfo@TANDBERG.com.


TANDBERG is the leading global provider of telepresence, high-definition video conferencing and mobile video products and services with dual headquarters in New York and Norway. TANDBERG designs, develops and markets systems and software for video, voice and data. The company provides sales, support and value-added services in more than 90 countries worldwide. TANDBERG is publicly traded on the Oslo Stock Exchange under the ticker TAA.OL. Please visit http://www.tandberg.com for more information.