Commissioners Recognize Martin Middle School Science & Spanish Club for Adopting Part of the Joe Fulton Corridor

CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS – Port Commissioners presented the “Pocca’s Pride Award” to Martin Middle School Spanish & Science Club Students, at their regular Port Commission meeting today, Tuesday, August 13, 2012. The presentation was held at the Congressman Solomon P. Ortiz International Center located at 402 Harbor Dr.

The members of Martin Middle School Science and Spanish Club officially adopted the Joe Fulton Corridor Highway in 2011. The area the students adopted starts at Burleson Street and continues towards the ADM Grain Elevator. Since adopting the area of the Joe Fulton Corridor, the students have made monthly visits to clean up the trash and maintain the area. Approximately 188 bags of trash have been picked up from this area the students adopted which is an estimated 3,500-pounds of trash and debris.

“It is a phenomenal learning experience for the students. They are learning about sustainable stewardship, how to assess a problem, create the tools, and will be monitoring the improvement.” Said Robin Flores, Faculty Sponsor, Blaschke-Sheldon Elementary School, Ingleside, Texas.

This cleanup has not just been about picking up trash left by truckers parking in the area but has also been an education process. The students developed signage and brochures as part of an awareness campaign to truckers and other Port users to prevent illegal dumping. Signs alerting users that the students have adopted this area and also inviting Port Users to be a part of the solution and not the problem have been posted along this section of the Corridor. Brochures with complimentary trash bags for the vehicle are under production and provide a message to Port users that this is an issue and how they can be part of the solution.

When construction of Phase II of the Joe Fulton Corridor is completed, it is likely that the trucks that line up in this area waiting for access to the ADM Grain Elevator will now line up to the west of the grain elevator. The students of the Martin Middle School Science & Spanish Club have committed to adopting this section of the Corridor and the Port is having the same signs made and will be posted to the west. Additionally, the Port is going to also post the signs in Spanish to further increase the awareness.

The Pocca’s Pride Award is a glass brown pelican. It represents Pocca, the Port’s mascot. The award is a special recognition to employees and/or community partners making a significant impact in our community. “The Port is proud to present the “Pocca’s Pride Award” to the Martin Middle School Science and Spanish Club for this partnership and for their hard work and commitment to help beautify the area and to support the port’s environmental responsibility efforts.” Said Mike Carrell, Chairman, Port Commission.

About Port Corpus Christi

As the primary economic engine of the Coastal Bend, Port Corpus Christi is 5th largest port in the United States in total tonnage. The Port’s mission statement is to “serve as a regional economic development catalyst while protecting and enhancing its existing industrial base and simultaneously working to diversify its international maritime cargo business.” Strategically located on the western Gulf of Mexico, with a straight, 45’ deep channel, the Port provides quick access to the Gulf and the entire United States inland waterway system. The Port delivers outstanding access to overland transportation with on-site and direct connections to three Class-1 railroads and uncongested interstate and state highways. The Port is protected by a state-of-the-art security department and an award-winning Environmental Management System. With outstanding management and operations staff, Port Corpus Christi is clearly “More Than You Can Sea.”