ATC-NY Announces New Forensic Tools with the Release of Mac Marshal 3.0 — for Mac and Windows Platforms

ITHACA, NY — Dec 01, 2011 / ( — There’s a growing legion of users who know that Mac Marshal(TM) is a great tool for Mac OS X evidence acquisition and analysis. Now, ATC-NY’s Mac Marshal 3.0, just released, adds important new features including:

– Full support for Mac OS X 10.7 (“Lion”)

– iCloud configuration analysis

– Improved Bluetooth device history

Runs on Microsoft Windows

Mac Marshal now runs on Microsoft Windows as well as Mac OS X, so you can analyze Macs from a Windows forensic workstation.

Mac Marshal Forensic Edition(TM) v3.0 is the standard version of Mac Marshal, installable on Mac OS X 10.4 or newer and Microsoft Windows XP or newer. (Spotlight and FileVault analysis require Mac OS X.) The Forensic Edition is sold commercially but is free to US law enforcement.

Mac Marshal Field Edition(TM) v3.0 runs directly on a Mac target machine from a USB drive for live analysis, extracting volatile system state data including a snapshot of physical RAM. The drive contains both Mac and Windows versions of Mac Marshal for use back at the lab as well. U.S. law enforcement may order the Field Edition USB drive directly from ATC-NY for $199.

For more information visit the website:

Mac Marshal is part of ATC-NY’s Cyber Marshal forensics products, including P2P Marshal and Live Marshal, that are currently being used by local, state, federal and international law enforcement to investigate cyber crimes. Without automated tools, a forensic investigator’s job to find evidence of illegal distribution of contraband and other crimes is manually-intensive and time-consuming. These forensic tools greatly help investigators reduce the time required for the analysis process. These tools are also useful to private corporations for compliance checking. For example, a company that prohibits peer-to-peer software on its corporate systems could use P2P Marshal to confirm such compliance.

To read more about these forensics tools, visit the Cyber Marshal site at

ABOUT ATC-NY. Located in Ithaca, NY, ATC-NY conducts advanced research and development in computer security and information assurance. ATC-NY is a subsidiary of Architecture Technology Corporation (ATC), headquartered in Eden Prairie, MN. Founded in 1981, ATC specializes in software-intensive solutions for complex problems in information security, enterprise-scale network computing architectures, and network management. ATC’s customers include firms in the private sector and government agencies such as the U.S. Departments of Defense, Homeland Security and Transportation.