TM Software Announces the Release of Tempo 6.0

Reykjavik (MMD Newswire) March 4, 2011 — After months of dedicated research into the preferences and needs of its growing customer base, and with the considerable goal of improving an already-acclaimed time-tracking solution, TM Software announced the release of Tempo 6.0 today, a development with many benefits in store for existing users and newcomers alike. The release, which represents the Tempo team’s most extensive development effort yet, includes the complete overhaul of the plugin, offering a clean and invigorated code base to help businesses start off the New Year with a fresh and powerful set of tools. Helping to make the plugin faster and easier to use while also addressing efficiency and user experience, Tempo 6.0 provides users with effortless Atlassian JIRA synchronization and sensible solutions for recording, organizing, and sharing time-related data.

Some of the release’s most exciting highlights include the addition of a number of new reporting modules, more detailed time sheets, new reporting and logging functions for teams, version and component reports to aid in precision, powerful account reports, and an Excel export option. Adding greater applicability to Tempo and ensuring users are able to meaningfully and intuitively manage time, these new developments offer a world of opportunity to managers, employees, and businesses as a whole. The release also incorporates more strict security permissions and a significant improvement for period management features and functionalities.

Along with the extensive collection of new features, Tempo 6.0 also improves upon issues reported in previous versions, from screen sizing concerns to link corrections and a number of fixes in between. User requests, including the ability to hide certain data fields and the addition of more precise report views, have also been implemented. The development team’s thorough response to the feedback of its user base can be seen and experienced throughout the new release, something that’s sure to please fans of the plugin and to draw new users to Tempo’s invaluable tool set.

Tempo 6.0 is available for purchase directly from TM Software, and can be swiftly integrated with Atlassian JIRA to allow for a painless setup process. Interested businesses and individual users can find full release notes, along with feature highlights, instructive videos, and other helpful resources at the Tempo website. Reflecting the TM Software team’s dedication to producing high-quality, streamlined products while listening and responding to its clients, Tempo 6.0 is a fine example of the potential of great developing to solve many of today’s most pressing time management issues in ways that make good sense for users.

About TM Software
Based in Iceland, TM Software brings elegant, versatile time-tracking solutions to modern businesses through a variety of platforms. The Tempo plugin for Atlassian JIRA serves as the firm’s most popular product, with distribution to over six hundred organisations worldwide. Learn more at