Double A Mill Visit and Private Jet Trip for Lucky Customers from Taiwan

Recently, Double A (1991) Public Company Limited welcomed the valued customers from Taiwan who visited Double A Plant located in Pachinburi province in Thailand. The dealers from Taiwan have witnessed the quality processing plant operating under high technology and learned more about the environmental friendly processes of Double A copy paper. Double A also brought the customers to Maiton Private Island at Phuket province, a famous island south of Thailand by flying via Private Jet to enjoy the beauty of the island, Spa Massage and Snorkeling were given as award for the valued customers who dedicated themselves to the company. The mill visit and the private jet activity are part of the company’s customer reward programs to encourage customers for a good relationship.

About Double A
Double A paper is manufactured by Double A (1991) Public Company Limited, one of the most advanced fully-integrated pulp and paper manufacturers in the world. Double A paper is produced from fast growing farmed trees grown by over 1.5 million contract farmers in Thailand. Double A’s farmed trees absorb 2.4 million tonnes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release 1.6 million tonnes of oxygen into the atmosphere every year, they save precious old growth forests from logging and support farming families by providing extra income. Double A’s pulp and paper production practices set an industry benchmark in environmental responsibility. Double A uses water from a purpose-built 36 million cubic meters reservoir that collects rainwater and run off, and is used to provide the mill with 100% of its water needs, while recycled water is used to irrigate the trees. Additionally, Double A uses tree waste (bark and lignin) to provide electricity for the mill, saving 340 million litres of oil being used annually. This also generates more electricity than the mill can use and the excess is sent back to the local grid. Double A produces a smoother, brighter, whiter, high-quality copy paper which reduces paper jams in copiers and printers, which help businesses to run smoother with minimal impact to the environment. Double A paper and stationery products are available in more than 100 countries worldwide