CONSISTEL贏得新加坡首個世界級綜合度假勝地 — 新加坡濱海灣(Marina Bay)綜合度假勝地室內無線網絡設計與部署的最大合同之一

新加坡2009年10月19日電 /美通社亞洲/ — CONSISTEL SINGAPORE PTE LTD欣然宣佈,公司在新加坡濱海灣(Marina Bay)綜合度假勝地多體系無線網絡設計及部署競標中勝出。這個超級項目是新加坡首個世界級綜合度假勝地,包括一個娛樂場、三座酒店及世界級會議中心設施。此項目是新加坡政府的一個重要舉措,旨在通過創造更多就業職位,推動投資及旅遊發展,進而促進經濟發展。


CONSISTEL集團董事總經理Bernard Chan表示:「經過了長期、認真的競標過程,我們被選為這個超級項目的首選無線網絡解決方案供應商,對此,我們深感自豪。此次招標由SingTel Mobile、MobileOne、StarHub Mobile及GRID Communications聯合發起,挑選過程反映了高水平的職業性和專業性。我們非常高興有機會與這些服務供應商合作,為該度假勝地用戶創造高級無線體驗。」


在本項目中,最大的技術挑戰之一就是將380 MHz到2500 MHz的頻段結合起來。為解決這一挑戰,CONSISTEL將運用其Optima系統來支持包括GSM900, GSM1800, 3G, Tetra 及 iDEN等在內的多項技術。Optima的先進Wire-It-Once架構能確保覆蓋目前與將來手機及企業無線音頻和數據服務,包括無線局域網(WLAN),移動WiMAX及單一基礎設施下公共安全廣播。


CONSISTEL Wins One of the Largest In-building Contracts to Design and Deploy Wireless Network at Integrated Resort in Marina Bay — Singapore’s First World Class Integrated Resort
SINGAPORE, Oct. 19 /PRNewswire-Asia/ — CONSISTEL SINGAPORE PTE LTD is pleased to announce it has won a major Tender to design and deploy a multi-system wireless network at the Integrated Resort in the Marina Bay area. This mega project is Singapore’s first world-class Integrated Resort that encompasses a casino and three hotel towers as well as other world class convention facilities. It is a key initiative of the Singapore Government aimed at economic gains through the creation of jobs, investments and tourism.

CONSISTEL, with its wealth of experience in the telecommunication business, will design, plan, install, optimize and commission a multi-system active wireless network. The network coverage will include three 57-storey hotel towers, two arc sky gardens with outdoor amenities, theatres, convention facilities, shopping arcades, casino and car parks. As part of the project, CONSISTEL will deploy more than 3000 antennas, 70km of fiber optic and 120km of coaxial cables for the Distributed Antenna System (DAS) network. This will allow for services provided by 4 wireless operators incorporating 11 wireless services in a single network infrastructure utilizing CONSISTEL’s Optima solution.

“We are proud to be selected as the preferred wireless solution provider for this mega project after a long and meticulous Tender process. This Tender was jointly called by SingTel Mobile, MobileOne, StarHub Mobile and GRID Communications and the selection process reflects a high standard of professionalism and expertise. We are pleased to have the opportunity to work together with these service providers in creating a superior wireless experience for users of this resort,” said Bernard Chan, Group Managing Director of CONSISTEL.

A pioneer in providing wireless solution with a strong track record of more than 3000 in-building deployments, CONSISTEL is able to leverage advanced technology creatively to enhance the overall customer experience.

In this instance, one of the significant technical challenges is to combine frequency bands ranging from 380 MHz to 2500 MHz. To address this challenge, CONSISTEL will deploy its Optima system to support numerous technologies including GSM900, GSM1800, 3G, Tetra and iDEN. Optima’s advanced Wire-It-Once architecture ensures coverage for current and future cellular and enterprise wireless voice and data services, including wireless LAN (WLAN), mobile WiMAX and public safety radio over a single infrastructure.

Resort guests will enjoy more sophisticated, world class services on demand, including seamless mobile wireless connectivity. CONSISTEL always endeavor to offer superior products and services by intimately understanding clients’ business models, combining it with innovative design and technology to provide robust wireless communication solutions.