宏碁於美國CES消費性電子展推出多款新品 獲媒體高度評價

宏碁在美國拉斯維加斯CES消費性電子展期間推出多款新品,包含應用Google Chrome OS的Chromebook 11與Chromebase 24 All-In-One桌上型電腦、高階二合一筆電Aspire Switch 12 S、超強商務筆電TravelMate P648、Windows 10旗艦級手機Liquid Jade Primo、以及平板電腦Iconia One 8、和三款主打纖薄美型和曲面設計的顯示器,獲得科技媒體好評連連。

Slashgear將宏碁Chromebook 11評為2016 CES中最精打細算的筆電(Best of CES 2016 award for Best Budget Laptop),文中對於本款產品的優異續航力、強化機身和超值價位特別讚揚:“… Acer’s Chromebook 11 CB3-131 refresh edges ahead of the pack. $179 gets you nine hours of battery life, a touchscreen, and a toughened shell that means this Google-powered notebook should withstand rough treatment.”

ZDNet也推薦Acer Chromebase為2016 CES展10大最佳產品(CES 2016: The top 10 products),對於該產品規格的全面性考量格外推崇。“Acer hasn’t disappointed its fans this year at CES with the introduction of the Chromebase 24, an all-in-one (AIO) PC sporting a 23.8-inch 1080p display, 8GB of RAM, 802.11a/c Wi-Fi, and four built-in microphones as well as an HD webcam.”

CNET指出宏碁二合一筆電Aspire Switch 12 S的金屬手感相當細緻,經陽極處理、充滿光澤感的外殼更顯美感,對於第三代宏碁獨家設計的無卡榫、磁吸式鍵盤,並配有USB Type C及Thunderbolt™ 3傳輸埠,此優異的連接性相當受到青睞。“The Switch 12 also includes Thunderbolt 3 on USB-C…. So it does a whole bunch of jobs at once.” “…this is made of anodized aluminum, and it feels really good. It’s light, it feels nice and sturdy, and it looks really sleek.” Slashgear也對Aspire Switch 12 S的精緻工藝十分驚艷,“The Acer Switch 12 S is one of the most sophisticated looking 2-in-1 Windows 10 devices we’ve seen yet.”

Digital Trends則對於智慧型手機Jade Primo情有獨鍾,特別提及5.5吋螢幕的設計工藝與美感:“The screen is a beauty. It may have a standard 1920 x 1080 pixel resolution, but it’s an OLED panel covered in 2.5D glass. That means pure blacks and great contrast, and it has an equally curvy body on the front. This adds up to the Jade Primo being a smartphone we want to use.”

Android Headlines對於宏碁新推出的支援USB 3.1 Type-C之Acer H7系列顯示器則十分推薦:“This is a great monitor for those looking to get one that is future proof, especially with USB Type-C coming.”

Android Community格外推薦Iconia One 8平板電腦,強調該產品針對親子需求的獨特設計:“ It’s family-friendly alright which means parents can have peace of mind that children won’t be able to access anything that are not appropriate. It comes with a simple user interface that’s easy to navigate and is kid-friendly.”

宏碁有多項產品榮獲2016美國拉斯維加斯CES消費性電子展的創新獎(CES Innovation Awards Honoree);獲獎產品包括:電競平板Predator 8、電競投影機Predator Z850以及模組化迷你PC Revo Build。CES創新獎項的產品,是由獨立工業設計師、工程師與媒體人員組成的評審團所評選,在27個產品類別中,評選出兼具傑出設計與先進技術的消費性電子產品。