ETwater Responds to POTUS Call for Technology Innovation on Building a Sustainable Water Future

NOVATO, Calif., Dec. 22, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — ETwater, a leader in sustainability technology, is responding to the White House call last week from Interior Secretary Sally Jewel for “all hands on deck” to conserve water by moving up the release of its ET Unity solution to the first quarter of 2016. At CES 2016, the world’s largest Consumer Electronics Show, ETwater will offer the first look at ET Unity, the world’s first open sustainability platform that unifies its smartest sprinkler service with water usage insights, and easy integration to other environmental solutions. ET Unity is part of the critical expansion the White House is seeking from private sector companies in the announcement of its new technology innovation strategy for building a sustainable water future. ETwater has technology that will reduce our national water use by 33% or more annually.

John Holdren, President Obama’s Chief Science Advisor said, “It’s important to understand that the technology to do that already exists. But we need innovation and entrepreneurship to expand on the technologies we already have.” ETwater has been a recognized pioneer in eliminating 50 to 70 percent of outdoor water waste, preventing runoff and detecting leaks by using modern technology systems for automatically, dynamically creating and adjusting landscape watering schedules.  In 2015, the ETwater smartest sprinkler service saved as much as 21 billion gallons of water for its customers.

“We are one of the leading sustainability focused product companies out there, and ET Unity provides the kind of technology solution the market needs to address this challenge, and to rapidly expand and innovate with water, and other environmentally focused products and services,” said Lee Williams, ETwater COO.

The ET Unity products will include consumer devices and applications, and open and licensable services. Companies, entrepreneurs, and enthusiasts will have access to Hardware, Software, and Services to help them create accessories and extensions, and to integrate with other products, platforms, and services.