Consumers Driving Demand to Do Good

Honolulu, Hawaii — Jul 31, 2013 / ( — We are bombarded with news of social issues and environmental problems that seem to worsen every day.  As awareness of the world’s tribulations continues to rise, so does consumer expectation for businesses to support good causes.

Marketing experts have taken notice of this trend, and most brands now engage in cause marketing. Student Body of America Association (SBAA) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization reviewing companies for potential cause sponsorship and cause marketing.

Currently entering production, Project Pay it Forward is their documentary film featuring organizations that work on different environmental and social challenges, providing many opportunities for companies to brand themselves with good causes. Cause marketing is a business relationship with mutually beneficial results, with increased business for companies and a financial return for nonprofit organizations.

As Chairman of Ford Motor Co. William Ford Jr. said, “A good company delivers excellent products and services, and a great company does all that and strives to make the world a better place.” And consumers want greatness. If given the opportunity, 92 percent would purchase a product with social and/or environmental benefit.

It’s good to be good in business these days. Consumers are proving so not just with their dollars, but through social media as well. 84 percent of consumers worldwide would share a company’s social responsibility with their social networks. To learn more statistics and about cause marketing with great causes, visit the SBAA website.