Top Executives to Attend Exclusive Summit at Broadband-IP&TV Asia

London, 25 April 2012 – For the first time ever, leading industry executives across the Asia-Pacific region are being invited to a highly exclusive summit at the Broadband-IP&TV Asia event next month. The Executive Summit, held to Chatham House Rules*, will be held on Tuesday 15 May and will allow participants to address the topic of delivering national broadband networks.

Gavin Whitechurch, Executive Director at Informa Telecoms & Media, says: “We are very proud to bring the Executive Summit to Asia. The Summit has run as an exclusive feature of the Broadband World Forum in Europe for many years, and is highly respected by those who attend for its high level of interactivity, and the opportunity it presents for valuable exchange with their peers, in an informal, off the record environment. We look forward to bringing this opportunity for the first time to Telco and TV executives in Asia.”

Amrish Kacker, Partner at Analysis Mason, will take the Chair while David Storrie, CEO of Nucleus Connect, will host The Summit. Storrie will begin the morning session with a presentation about ‘Experiences in Deploying Singapore’s Next Gen NBN’. Singapore is the world’s first nationwide all-fibre network with a three-layer model of network company, operating company and retail service providers. The presentation will cover the service offerings of this unique model, the experiences in deploying the NGNBN and the unique challenges in operating in a three-layer open access environment.

Malcolm Turnbull, Shadow Minister for Communications and Broadband in the Australian Government, will present on ‘Australia’s National Broadband Network: Finding a Faster, More Efficient and Competition Friendly Model’. Graham Mitchell, CEO of Crown Fibre Holdings, will discuss the ‘New Zealand Public-Private Partnership Approach to Delivering National Broadband Networks’.

The afternoon session will see Heru Sutadi, Commissioner at the Indonesian Telecom Regulatory Authority, deliver a presentation on ‘Broadband for All in Indonesia’, before the executives participate in an open discussion session bringing The Summit to a close.

Broadband-IP&TV Asia will take place at the KL Convention Centre in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from 15 – 16 May 2012 and provides over 2,500 of Asia’s decision-makers in the broadcast, broadband and Internet industries with the chance to network and do business.