Bentley 發佈《The Year in Infrastructure 2009》

賓州埃克斯頓2009年12月17日電 /美通社亞洲/ –致力於為可持續性基礎設施提供全面軟體解決方案的領先企業 Bentley Systems, Incorporated 今天宣佈,該公司在網站 上推出了數位版《The Year in Infrastructure 2009》(2009年基礎設施年鑒),感興趣者可以至 索要印刷版本。這部厚達200頁的年鑒突出展示了 Bentley 用戶在改善全球基礎設施和提高人類生活品質方面創造的傑出作品。該書用文字和彩色插圖介紹了250多個公認的項目提名、17位2009年 Be 創新獎 (Inspired Awards) 競賽獲獎者,以及4名 Be 創新特殊貢獻獎得主。此外,這本書還提供了由 Be 創新獎得主和入圍者出席的特別 Be Connected 網上研討會的連結。每場研討會都深入闡釋了這些受到 Be 創新獎評委們青睞的傑出項目所運用到的設計創新和最佳實踐。

麥格勞-希爾建築資訊公司 (McGraw-Hill Construction) 的 James H. McGraw IV 表示:「這些由基礎設施專業人士設計和建造的項目正在改變和提高世界各地人民的生活。我對這些項目在社區中產生的影響十分驚訝。這項工作改善了數百萬人民的生活,我們對這些建築師、工程師、施工人員和地理空間專業人士所取得的卓著成果表示祝賀。」

執行長 Greg Bentley 表示:「同之前發佈的年鑒中的項目一樣,我們《The Year in Infrastructure 2009》展示的傑出項目,是我們用戶在完成世界建築業的可持續發展重大任務中體現出來的想像力、創造力和奉獻精神的佐證。通過這份刊物,我們自豪地認可並分享了這些卓越成就,這些成就實現了高性能的基礎設施和更具成本效益的專案成果,使企業實體、政府官員、行業組織和媒體機構都能參與進來。我們希望全世界都能像我們一樣,重視我們的用戶對我們社會、環境和全球經濟做出的突出貢獻。」

欲查看數位版《The Year in Infrastructure 2009》以及該刊物的所有之前版本,請至 。可通過年份和/或期限、標題或關鍵字來搜索特別感興趣的項目。欲索取《The Year in Infrastructure 2009》印刷版,請至 。

Be 創新獎簡介

由獨立的行業專家小組評審出的 Be 創新獎 (Inspired Award) 表彰了 Bentley 用戶在改善和實現全球基礎架構可持續發展方面做出的傑出工作。這些項目不僅樹立起技術基準,並且展示了創造者們的創造力和精湛技藝。

瞭解如何參與2010年 Be 創新獎競賽專案評審的更多資訊,請至 。

Bentley Systems, Incorporated 簡介

Bentley 是一家全球領先企業,致力於為建築師、工程師、施工人員和業主運營商提供全面的可持續性基礎設施軟體解決方案。Bentley 成立於1984年,在全球超過45個國家擁有逾2700名僱員。該公司在2008年實現營收5億美元的里程碑成就,並自1995年起在研究、開發和收購領域投資超過10億美元。

垂詢更多有關 Bentley 的資訊,請至 。
Bentley Publishes The Year in Infrastructure 2009
EXTON, Pennsylvania, Dec. 17 /PRNewswire-Asia/ —

Bentley Systems, Incorporated, the leading company dedicated to providing comprehensive software solutions for the infrastructure that sustains our world, today announced that the digital version of The Year in Infrastructure 2009 is immediately available at, and print copies are available upon request at This 200-page yearbook highlights the extraordinary work of Bentley users improving the world’s infrastructure and the quality of life for us all. It features descriptions and color images of the more than 250 project nominations recognized, 17 winners honored in the 2009 Be Inspired Awards competition, and four recipients of Be Inspired Special Recognition Awards. In addition, it provides links to special Be Connected online seminars presented by Be Inspired Award winners and finalists. Each seminar offers insight into the design innovations and best practices employed to achieve the outstanding results that placed these projects among the top choices of the Be Inspired Awards judges.

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James H. McGraw IV, group publisher, McGraw-Hill Construction, said, “The projects that infrastructure professionals design and build are changing and improving the lives of people everywhere. I am truly amazed at the impact these projects have on communities. This work is enhancing the lives of millions, and we congratulate these architectural, engineering, construction, and geospatial professionals on their remarkable achievements.”

CEO Greg Bentley said, “The extraordinary projects in our Year in Infrastructure 2009, like those in previous editions, are testament to the imagination, innovation, and dedication our users demonstrate in accomplishing the crucial task of sustaining the world’s infrastructure. Through this publication, we proudly recognize and share these remarkable achievements, which combine higher-performing infrastructure and more cost-effective project realization, with business entities, government officials, industry organizations, and the media. We want the world to appreciate, as we do, the incredible value of our users’ work to our society, to our environment, and to our global economy.”

To view the digital version of The Year in Infrastructure 2009, along with all previous editions of this publication, visit Searches can be conducted by year and/or through terms, titles, or keywords to find projects of special interest. To request a print copy of The Year in Infrastructure 2009, visit

About the Be Inspired Awards

The Be Inspired Awards, which are judged by independent panels of industry experts, honor the extraordinary work of Bentley users improving and sustaining the world’s infrastructure. These projects set benchmarks and showcase the imagination and technical mastery of the organizations that created them.

For information about how to enter projects for consideration in the 2010
Be Inspired Awards competition, visit

About Bentley Systems, Incorporated

Bentley is the global leader dedicated to providing architects, engineers, constructors, and owner-operators with comprehensive software solutions for sustaining infrastructure. Founded in 1984, Bentley has more than 2,700 colleagues and offices in more than 45 countries, achieved in 2008 the milestone of US$500 million in revenues, and, since 1995, has invested more than US$1 billion in research, development, and acquisitions.

For additional information about Bentley, visit