
台北2009年11月17日電 /美通社亞洲/ — 全球第三大攜帶式強固型電腦製造商神基科技今日宣佈,該公司的筆記型電腦和平板電腦系列,正式通過由一家獨立測試實驗室執行之MIL-STD-810G、MIL-STD-461F和IP65認證測試,證明Getact產品可承受嚴峻的使用環境。以上測試標準是由美國國防部制定,其目的在於確保國防部所屬單位和機構所使用之任何產品均能達到基本的性能要求。



除了MIL-STD-810G認證以外,B300強固型筆電、V100強固兩用可旋轉筆電和PS535F GPS手持裝置亦分別取得有關防塵與防水之IP65(侵入防護)認證。這些測試是由一家合格的獨立測試實驗室負責執行。IP6x(防塵)測試時,受測裝置在關機狀態下被置於一個以滑石粉模擬灰塵的防塵測試箱中達8小時。Ipx5(防水)測試時,則是以每分鐘3.3加侖的速度從所有可能的角度對受測裝置施以加壓水。




神基科技創立於1989年為神通電腦與美國奇異航太部門共同合資成立,提供軍方國防電子相關之設備。神基科技為台灣第三大電腦集團聯華神通集團之重要子公司,主要經營項目以Getac自有品牌強固型電腦為主,包含強固型筆記型電腦、強固型平板電腦及強固型手持裝置,產品應用領域涵蓋軍方、警方、公共事業、通訊、製造、以及交通運輸等,產品強固等級涵蓋超級強固、完全強固到商規型強固。除了強固型電腦事業,神基科技並且提供塑膠和輕金屬機構零組件的服務,2009年投資全球華孚科技(Waffer Technology),成為全球第三大鎂鋁合金廠,提升神基科技在輕金屬機構件的競爭力。欲知相關產品訊息,請參觀神基科技官方網站 http://www.getac.com

Getac Announces Fully Rugged Notebooks and Tablet PCs Receive MIL-STD-810G, MIL-STD-461F and IP65 Military Certification

TAIPEI, Taiwan, Nov. 17 /PRNewswire-Asia/ — Getac, a leading innovator and manufacturer of rugged computers that meet the demands of field-based applications, announced that its line of notebook computers and Tablet PCs has been MIL-STD-810G, MIL-STD-461F and IP65 certified by an independent testing lab to withstand severe environmental conditions. These standards were established by the military to ensure minimum performance standards for any product used by agencies and organizations within the Department of Defense.

To ensure absolute performance in any environment, Getac conducts its own internal testing processes with standards that go beyond those established by the Department of Defense on their line of rugged notebooks and Tablet PCs. Making sure the products withstand real-world environments and challenges in the field is top priority. As a result, Getac’s products surpassed grueling test in the certification process including a series of 78 consecutive drops from as high as 6 feet, sustained exposure to blowing rain, sand, and dust, exposure to extreme heat, cold, and condensation, and a variety of shock and vibration testing.

Getac products receiving MIL-STD-810G certification include its A790, B300, and M230 rugged notebooks, V100 rugged convertible notebook, E100 rugged Tablet PC, and PS535 rugged handheld.

In addition to receiving MIL-STD-810G certification, the B300 Notebook, V100 Convertible, and PS535F GPS handheld each received Ingress Protection (IP65) certification for dust and water resistance. Conducted by a recognized independent laboratory testing facility, the IP6x testing (for dust) was conducted in a dust chamber for 8 hours using talcum powder with units in the Off position. The IPx5 testing (for water) was conducted by using pressurized water from every conceivable angle at a rate of 3.3 gallons per minute.

Getac’s B300 / M230 / A790 Notebooks, and V100 Convertible also received MIL-STD-461F certification for immunity against magnetic fields.

“We are pleased that our rugged computing products exceeded military certification standards as well as our own standards which are often more strict than those imposed by the Department of Defense,” explains James Hwang, president of Getac Technology Corporation. “Receiving these independent certifications, along with our recent announcement of Resistive Multi-touch technology, assures our customers that Getac continues to offer innovative products that can endure and perform under the most extreme environmental conditions,” Hwang added.

About Getac

Getac Technology Corporation, a key subsidiary of MiTAC Synnex Business Group (2008 consolidated revenue 18 billion USD) was established in 1989 as a joint venture with GE Aerospace to supply defense electronic products. Getac’s business coverage includes; rugged notebooks, rugged tablet PCs and rugged handheld devices for military, police, government, communications, manufacturing and transportation applications ranging from fully rugged and commercial-grade rugged. Getac’s strong R&D capabilities allow it to provide a high level of customization and all-aspect hardware-software integration solutions. Apart from the rugged computing business, Getac is also involved with the design and manufacture of plastic and lightweight metal components. The acquisition of Waffer Technology in 2009 has made Getac the world’s third largest aluminum-magnesium alloy producer. For more information, visit http://www.getac.com .