SpreadsheetGear 向 ASP.NET 和 Windows Forms 電子錶格組件添加更多可與Microsoft Excel 兼容的製表、數據、格式化和計算功能

堪薩斯州列涅薩2009年6月17日電 /美通社亞洲/ — 今天,SpreadsheetGear LLC 宣佈立即推出 SpreadsheetGear 2009。通過集成一個安全管理組裝部件,SpreadsheetGear 2009 使開發人員能夠輕鬆添加可擴展的 ASP.NET Excel 報告製作能力、來自 Excel 圖表和行列的動態工具欄、強大的 Windows Forms 電子錶格控制能力、全面的可與 Excel 兼容的製錶能力、以及最快且最完整的可與 Excel 兼容的計算等等。

SpreadsheetGear LLC 首席軟件架構師 Terry Erickson 表示:」SpreadsheetGear 2008是一項重大升級,增添了 Microsoft Excel 2007 Open XML 支持以及 Excel 兼容製圖支持。憑藉 SpreadsheetGear 2009,我們重點關注一些最常用的功能,包括 Excel 2003 Analysis Toolpak 中的93項功能(這使得支持的功能總數達331項)、CSV 和文本文檔支持、智能自動填充、快速的目標查找、強大的數據系列、氣泡式圖表、圖表軸標題、梯度、旋轉文字等。」

SpreadsheetGear LLC 繼續實現有效益的增長

SpreadsheetGear LLC 創始人兼首席執行官 Joe Erickson 表示:「即使在這種困難的全球經濟環境中,我們的銷售也持續增長,并且我們持續獲得一個季度又一個季度的盈利。我們為長期建設 SpreadsheetGear LLC 而採取的保守的經濟方法在這期間運作良好。我們對數以千計依靠 SpreadsheetGear for .NET 的開發者以及我們每月持續增加的所有新客戶對我們的持續支持表示讚賞。我們將繼續把重點放在我們的核心優勢上,我們的核心優勢就是開發市場上最佳電子錶格技術,同時提供業界最佳的客戶支持。」

現在就登陸 http://www.spreadsheetgear.com 下載免費的 SpreadsheetGear 2009 全功能30天評估版本吧!

SpreadsheetGear 簡介

SpreadsheetGear LLC 是一家位於堪薩斯州列涅薩的未上市軟件發行公司。該公司由 Joe Erickson 於2003年創立,致力於開發面向 Microsoft .NET Framework 的可與微軟 Excel 兼容的新一代電子錶格組件。該公司的主要開發人員在開發可應用於商業的高性能表格技術方面合計擁有50多年的經驗。大多數《財富》(Fortune) 500強公司都使用這些技術。SpreadsheetGear 已經幫助50多個國家中大大小小企業的數千位開發人員開發出了更好、更快、更易於使用的解決方案。

SpreadsheetGear LLC 是微軟 Visual Studio Industry Partner 計劃的高級成員。

LENEXA, Kan., June 16 /PRNewswire-Asia/ — Today, SpreadsheetGear LLC announced the immediate availability of SpreadsheetGear 2009. With one safe managed assembly, SpreadsheetGear 2009 enables developers to easily add scalable ASP.NET Excel Reporting, dynamic Dashboards from Excel Charts and Ranges, powerful Windows Forms Spreadsheet Controls, comprehensive Excel Compatible Charting, the fastest and most complete Excel Compatible Calculations and much more.

“SpreadsheetGear 2008 was a major upgrade adding Microsoft Excel 2007 Open XML support as well as Excel compatible charting support. With SpreadsheetGear 2009 we have focused on a number of the most frequently requested features including the 93 functions which are in the Excel 2003 Analysis Toolpak bringing the total to 331 supported functions, CSV and text file support, smart auto fill, fast goal seeking, powerful data series, bubble charts, chart axis titles, gradients, rotated text and more,” said Terry Erickson, Chief Software Architect, SpreadsheetGear LLC.

SpreadsheetGear LLC Continues Profitable Growth

“Even in this difficult global economic environment, our sales continue to grow and we continue to be profitable quarter after quarter. Our conservative economic approach to building SpreadsheetGear LLC for the long term has served us well during this time. We appreciate the continued support of the thousands of developers who rely on SpreadsheetGear for .NET as well as all of the new customers we continue to add each and every month,” said Joe Erickson, Founder and CEO, SpreadsheetGear LLC. “We will continue to focus on our core strengths which are building the best available spreadsheet technology while providing the best customer support in the industry.”

Download the FREE fully functional 30-Day evaluation of SpreadsheetGear 2009 Today at http://www.spreadsheetgear.com !

About SpreadsheetGear

SpreadsheetGear LLC is a privately held software publisher located in Lenexa, Kansas. The company was founded by Joe Erickson in 2003 to develop a new generation of Microsoft Excel compatible spreadsheet components for the Microsoft .NET Framework. Our key developers have over fifty years of combined experience developing high-performance, commercially available spreadsheet technology which is used by most of the Fortune 500. SpreadsheetGear has helped thousands of developers from large and small companies in more than fifty countries to build better, faster and easier to use solutions.