A Picture May Be a Thousand Words, but a Video is 1.8 Million Words

Honolulu, Hawaii — Aug 07, 2013 / (http://www.myprgenie.com) — It’s hard to believe YouTube is less than a decade old. Created in 2005, it now has over 1 billion unique monthly visitors. There are a lot of questions about whether the world needs so many online cat videos, there’s no question about this-businesses need video to effectively reach people on the world wide web.

Whether marketing to increase awareness of a nonprofit mission or a company’s products, research shows that video promotion is over 6 times more effective than print or online. Student Body of America Association (SBAA) turned to iProRabbit to transform their creative vision into video animation. The company offers discount services for 501(c)3 organizations for videos and website services.

Online video is a powerful medium that is growing fast and is more effective for spreading the word than text. According to Dr. James McQuivey of Forrester Research, a minute of video is worth 1.8 million words. So much for the thousand words in a picture, it’s all about the video now.

It may cost more initially to have a video produced professionally, but it’s well worth the investment. ComScore studies show that people who watch an online video are 64 percent more likely to purchase than other website visitors. Video and other multi-media product viewing options were rated more effective than any other site initiatives in an Adobe survey of almost 2,000 interactive marketers.

The statistics don’t lie. Video grabs the attention of online visitors. SBAA is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization staying current with these trends by present information about their mission and programs in a video format.

About Student Body of America Association

Student Body of America Association (http://www.studentbodyofamerica.org) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization operated exclusively for educational purposes. Their mission is to provide easily accessible information and resources to educate and support students in achieving an education, and to guide individuals to apply their knowledge and skills to make the best decisions on an individual and societal basis.