.ME成為環球電影公司和Illumination Entertainment娛樂公司新出品3D動畫電影《Despicable.Me》的主角

蒙特內哥羅共和國波德哥里察市2010年1月28日電 /美通社亞洲/ — 當環球電影公司和Illumination Entertainment娛樂公司新出品的3D動畫電影《我真賤》(Despicable Me)今年七月在全球同步上映時,影迷們將會陶醉在格魯(Gru)的滑稽動作中。格魯是世界最大的壞蛋之一,他意想天開地計劃把月亮偷走。這部眾所期盼的電影由史帝夫卡爾(Steve Carell)、傑森席格爾(Jason Segel)、米蘭達卡斯格拉夫(Miranda Cosgrove)、和傳奇女星茱麗安德魯斯(Julie Andrews)配音。影迷們可以透過電影的官方網站 http://www.Despicable.Me 觀賞預告片、玩遊戲和欣賞角色劇照。

環球電影公司數位行銷資深副總裁道格尼爾(Doug Neil)說:「.ME是幫助推銷《我真賤》(Despicable Me)電影的理想夥伴。該公司的名稱剛好適合用做這部電影官方網站的網域名稱。由於網站名稱的副檔名與片名不謀而合,使得我們的線上品牌行銷和推廣更加強而有力。」


.ME Registry( http://www.domain.me/ )執行長Predrag Lesic說:「對於想要利用網域名稱副檔名強化品牌行銷效果和建立個人『行動呼叫』(call-to-action)或簡潔名稱的企業及企業主來說,.ME已成為他們的目的地網域。」

Predrag Lesic接著說:「我們非常興奮,環球電影公司能夠利用.ME來推銷他們的新電影《我真賤》(Despicable Me)。現在無論是電影預告片、網路促銷和電影海報,都因.ME副檔名而增色不少,也有更多新的觀眾認識到.ME在網路上的存在和價值。」

《Despicable Me》將於2010年7月9日全球上映。想要先睹為快,請登入http://www.Despicable.Me


如欲瞭解更多有關.ME Registry、透過.ME域非拍賣分配發展.ME商業概念、以及如何註冊.ME網域的資訊,請登入http://www.Domain.Me

.ME In Starring Role Branding Despicable Me, Upcoming 3-D CGI Feature from Universal Pictures and Illumination Entertainment
PODGORICA, Montenegro, Jan. 28 /PRNewswire-Asia/ — When Universal Pictures and Illumination Entertainment’s upcoming 3-D CGI feature, Despicable Me, opens in theaters worldwide this July, moviegoers will revel in the antics of Gru, one of the world’s greatest supervillains, who is out to steal the moon. Fans of this much-anticipated film, starring Steve Carell, Jason Segel, Miranda Cosgrove and legendary actress Julie Andrews, can watch trailers and teasers, play games and view galleries of character photos at http://www.Despicable.Me , the film’s official Web site.

“Dot-ME is the ideal partner to help promote Despicable Me,” said Doug Neil, Senior Vice President of Digital Marketing, Universal Pictures. “The film’s name lends itself naturally to using this TLD for the official Web site. The online branding and promotion are stronger because the domain extension ties in perfectly with our title.”

.ME exploded onto the international domain scene in April 2008. Since then, more than 350,000 business and personal .ME domains have been registered worldwide.

“Dot-ME has become a destination domain for businesses and entrepreneurs who want to take advantage of the extension’s ability to make bold branding statements, as well as create personal call-to-action or catch phrase titles,” noted Predrag Lesic, Chief Executive Officer of the .Me Registry ( http://www.domain.me/ ).

“We are thrilled with the use of dot-ME to promote Universal Pictures’ new film Despicable Me,” added Lesic. “The dot-ME extension is now gracing theater trailers, Web promotions, film posters… raising awareness with an entirely new audience about the existence and value of dot-ME on the Web.”

Despicable Me opens in theaters July 9, 2010. For a sneak peek, visit http://www.Despicable.Me .

For other examples and articles about the many clever uses of .ME, visit http://ExploreTheWorldOf.Me .

To learn more about the .ME Registry, developing a .ME business idea through non-auction allocation of a .ME domain, or to find out how to register a .ME domain, go to http://www.Domain.Me .